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intent identifier params should be optional
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changed to allow optional currency and amount params in intent identifier
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Xiao Li committed Feb 24, 2021
1 parent 4edb06d commit f5de5ec
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Showing 3 changed files with 50 additions and 20 deletions.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion examples/vasp/
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Expand Up @@ -107,11 +107,14 @@ def pay(
"""make payment from given user account to intent_id"""

intent = identifier.decode_intent(intent_id, self.hrp)
if not intent.amount or not intent.currency_code:
raise ValueError("should provide currency_code and amount")

command = offchain.PaymentCommand.init(
intent.amount, # pyre-ignore
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23 changes: 16 additions & 7 deletions src/diem/identifier/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,15 +40,15 @@ class Intent:

account_address: diem_types.AccountAddress
sub_address: typing.Optional[bytes]
currency_code: str
amount: int
currency_code: typing.Optional[str]
amount: typing.Optional[int]

def __init__(
account_address: diem_types.AccountAddress,
sub_address: typing.Optional[bytes],
currency_code: str,
amount: int,
currency_code: typing.Optional[str],
amount: typing.Optional[int],
hrp: str,
) -> None:
self.account_address = account_address
Expand All @@ -66,13 +66,22 @@ def account_id(self) -> str:
return encode_account(self.account_address, self.sub_address, self.hrp)

def encode_intent(encoded_account_identifier: str, currency_code: str, amount: int) -> str:
def encode_intent(
encoded_account_identifier: str, currency_code: typing.Optional[str] = None, amount: typing.Optional[int] = None
) -> str:
Encode account identifier string(encoded), currency code and amount into
Diem intent identifier (

return "diem://%s?c=%s&am=%d" % (encoded_account_identifier, currency_code, amount)
params = []
if currency_code:
params.append("c=%s" % currency_code)
if amount is not None and amount > 0:
params.append("am=%s" % amount)
if params:
return "diem://%s?%s" % (encoded_account_identifier, "&".join(params))
return "diem://%s" % encoded_account_identifier

def decode_intent(encoded_intent_identifier: str, hrp: str) -> Intent:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,7 +122,7 @@ def decode_intent(encoded_intent_identifier: str, hrp: str) -> Intent:

def _decode_param(name, params, field, convert): # pyre-ignore
if field not in params:
raise InvalidIntentIdentifierError(f"Can't decode {name}: not found in params {params}")
return None

if not isinstance(params[field], list):
raise InvalidIntentIdentifierError(f"Can't decode {name}: unknown type {params}")
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42 changes: 30 additions & 12 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -154,6 +154,22 @@ def test_intent_identifier(hrp_addresses):
assert account_id == intent.account_id

def test_intent_identifier_without_params(hrp_addresses):
hrp, enocded_addr_with_none_subaddr, enocded_addr_with_subaddr = hrp_addresses
account_id = identifier.encode_account(test_onchain_address, None, hrp)
intent_id = identifier.encode_intent(account_id)
assert intent_id == "diem://%s" % enocded_addr_with_none_subaddr

intent = identifier.decode_intent(intent_id, hrp)
assert intent.account_address == utils.account_address(test_onchain_address)
assert intent.account_address_bytes.hex() == test_onchain_address
assert intent.sub_address is None
assert intent.currency_code is None
assert intent.amount is None

assert account_id == intent.account_id

def test_intent_identifier_with_sub_address(hrp_addresses):
hrp, enocded_addr_with_none_subaddr, enocded_addr_with_subaddr = hrp_addresses
account_id = identifier.encode_account(test_onchain_address, test_sub_address, hrp)
Expand All @@ -167,28 +183,30 @@ def test_intent_identifier_with_sub_address(hrp_addresses):
assert intent.amount == 123

def test_intent_identifier_with_one_param():
account_id = "dm1p7ujcndcl7nudzwt8fglhx6wxnvqqqqqqqqqqqqqd8p9cq"
intent_id = identifier.encode_intent(account_id, currency_code="XUS")
assert intent_id == "diem://%s?c=%s" % (account_id, "XUS")
intent_id = identifier.encode_intent(account_id, currency_code="")
assert intent_id == "diem://%s" % account_id
intent_id = identifier.encode_intent(account_id, amount=122)
assert intent_id == "diem://%s?am=%s" % (account_id, 122)
intent_id = identifier.encode_intent(account_id, amount=0)
assert intent_id == "diem://%s" % account_id
intent_id = identifier.encode_intent(account_id, amount=-1)
assert intent_id == "diem://%s" % account_id

def test_intent_identifier_decode_errors(hrp_addresses):
hrp, enocded_addr_with_none_subaddr, enocded_addr_with_subaddr = hrp_addresses
# amount is not int
with pytest.raises(identifier.InvalidIntentIdentifierError):
identifier.decode_intent("diem://%s?c=XUS&am=str" % (enocded_addr_with_none_subaddr), hrp)

# amount not exist
with pytest.raises(identifier.InvalidIntentIdentifierError):
identifier.decode_intent("diem://%s?c=XUS" % (enocded_addr_with_none_subaddr), hrp)

# too many amount
with pytest.raises(identifier.InvalidIntentIdentifierError):
identifier.decode_intent("diem://%s?c=XUS&am=2&am=3" % (enocded_addr_with_none_subaddr), hrp)

# amount is none
with pytest.raises(identifier.InvalidIntentIdentifierError):
identifier.decode_intent("diem://%s?c=XUS&am=" % (enocded_addr_with_none_subaddr), hrp)

# currency code not exist
with pytest.raises(identifier.InvalidIntentIdentifierError):
identifier.decode_intent("diem://%s?am=2" % (enocded_addr_with_none_subaddr), hrp)

# scheme not match
with pytest.raises(identifier.InvalidIntentIdentifierError):
identifier.decode_intent("hello://%s?am=2&c=XUS" % (enocded_addr_with_none_subaddr), hrp)
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