This is a ros package for setting up and running nav2 using the unity simulation. The following are step by step instructions on how to connect nav2 to the unity.
Open a new terminal and connect to unity via ros-tcp-endpoint
source install/setup.bash ros2 run ros_tcp_endpoint default_server_endpoint --ros-args -p ROS_IP:=<your IP address>
Use hostname -I
to find out your IP address
Run the file in a new terinal
source install/setup.bash ros2 launch gbot_nav
Run the slam_toolbox package in a new terminal
source install/setup.bash ros2 launch slam_toolbox
Run the nav2_bringup package in a new terminal
source install/setup.bash ros2 launch nav2_bringup use_sim_time:=true params_file:=$HOME/ros2_ws/src/gbot_nav/config/nav2_params.yaml