This module implements the RFtap Encapsulation block, used to encapsulate Radio Frequency (RF) metadata about packets for Wireshark. Interoperability was tested with gr-rds, gr-ieee802-11, gr-ieee802-15-4.
You can connect the RFtap Encapsulation block in your flowgraphs to any block that has a PDU Message output port.
There are several ways to install GNU Radio. You can use
The recommended way to install GNU Radio on most platforms is using available binary package distributions.
The following command is for Debian, Ubuntu, and derivatives. Consult your distribution information to obtain the version of GNU Radio which is included.
sudo apt install gnuradio
For other operating systems and versions, see Quick Start
Complete instructions for building GNU Radio from source code are detailed in Installing From Source.
To manually install the blocks do
git clone
cd gr-rftap
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
See RDS and Wi-Fi flowgraphs in examples/ directory.