What is DIME? - DIME is the development impact department at the World Bank Group. The repos on this account may include reproducibility code for published research, code for ongoing research projects, as well as code for open source tools published by DIME.
Use code in DIME repositories - You may access and use the code you find in the repos on this GitHub account according to the licenses for each public repo.
Request access to DIME repositories - If you work on a DIME project that uses a repository hosted on this account, then you can find instructions here for how to request access. Note that the process is different depending if you are a member of DIME or an external collaborator.
Create a new repository on the DIME account - If you are a member of the DIME GitHub account, then you can request creation of new repos by follwing instructions linked to here.
Repo and team reports - Once per week, repo reports and team reports are generated. These reports includes information such as who has access to each repo, and what repos each team is used for. You are only able to access these reports if you are logged in to GitHub.com using an account that is added as a member to the
account. (See here if you have issues accessing these links.) -
DIME repos hosted elsewhere - Some DIME repos are not hosted on the DIME account. DIME repos hosted on the World Bank GitHub account includes: DIME Data Handbook, DIME Research Standards, iefieldkit, ietoolkit, Stata-linter, Worldwide-Bureaucracy-Indicators
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Showing 10 of 53 repositories
- Disease-Modelling-SSA Public
This repository contains the code for an agent-based model used for COVID-19 in Sub-Saharan Africa. The original code was written in Python by Aivin Solatorio and is since being developed in Java. Complimentary risk modelling has been conducted in R as an intermediate product and is also part of this repo
dime-worldbank/Disease-Modelling-SSA’s past year of commit activity - mega-boost Public
dime-worldbank/mega-boost’s past year of commit activity - ColombiaTransMilenio Public
dime-worldbank/ColombiaTransMilenio’s past year of commit activity - rwanda-energy-project Public
This repository includes replicable codes to evaluate the impacts of expanding community access to grid electrification, off-grid solar electrification, and both, in the context of the Rwanda Energy Access and Quality Improvement Project(R-EAQIP)
dime-worldbank/rwanda-energy-project’s past year of commit activity - dime-account-admin Public
Starting point for instructions and resources related to DIME GitHub account.
dime-worldbank/dime-account-admin’s past year of commit activity