A simple microservice written in Go with sweetness of Docker Containers & Kubernetes Orchestration.
A small weekend exercise for personal practice.
- Implementing a simple *http server*.
- JSON *Marshalling & Unmarshalling* with query parameters.
- Unit tests for test microservice.
- API tests with **POSTMAN**.
- Implementing HTTP verbs, _GET | POST | PUT | DELETE_.
- building Docker-Images then running/improving/maintaining docker containers.
- pushing the docker image on docker-hub.
- with variations of Dockerfile, (generic one & more optimized version)
- using docker-compose, ( w/ individual components: app + nginx)
- docker cmds for _CPU & Mem contraints_ and more docker CLI experiments.
- Learning basic architecture of kubernetes.
- Using Kubernetes CLI with Kubernetes cluster. (kubectl, minikube)
- Deploy Go microservice using images on docker hub.
- Implementing Deployment & Service descriptors.
- Horizonatally scaling Deployments with replicas and Rolling Updates.