Install required Python modules using
pip install paho-mqtt broadlink
All configurable parameters are present in mqtt.conf
Recorded commands are saved under the commands/
Just start
script using Python interpreter
To record new command just send record
message to the topic broadlink/COMMAND_ID
where COMMAND_ID is any identifier that can be used for file name (slashes are also allowed)
Example: to record power button for Samsung TV send
-> broadlink/tv/samsung/power
and recorded interpretation of IR signal will be saved to file commands/tv/samsung/power
To replay previously recorded command send replay
message to the topic broadlink/COMMAND_ID
where COMMAND_ID is identifier if the command
Example: to replay power button for Samsung TV send
-> broadlink/tv/samsung/power
and saved interpretation of IR signal will be replayed from file commands/tv/samsung/power
###Smart mode
Smart mode means that if file with command doesn't exist it will be recorded.
Every next execution of the command will replay it.
This mode is very convenient for home automation systems.
To start smart mode need to send empty string or auto
to the command topic
first time: auto
-> broadlink/tv/samsung/power
records command
every next time: auto
-> broadlink/tv/samsung/power
replays command