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Add uninstall_file_onerror_exit
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jonahbeckford committed Nov 30, 2023
1 parent 6988698 commit f604bc6
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Showing 3 changed files with 202 additions and 116 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
# Changes

## Pending

* Add `uninstall_file_onerror_exit` to API

## 0.5.2

* Attach `(package)` to auto-generated test so other packages in
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300 changes: 185 additions & 115 deletions api/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -153,6 +153,16 @@ struct
let ( let+ ) f x = x f
let chmod_plus_readwrite_path ~id path =
let open Immediate_fail (struct
let id = id
end) in
let* mode = Bos.OS.Path.Mode.get path in
if mode land 0o600 <> 0o600 then
let+ () = Bos.OS.Path.Mode.set path (mode lor 0o600) in
else Ok ()
let chmod_plus_readwrite_dir ~id dir =
let open Immediate_fail (struct
let id = id
Expand All @@ -166,21 +176,13 @@ let chmod_plus_readwrite_dir ~id dir =
let chmod_u_rw rel = function
let f rel = function
| Error _ as e ->
(* no more chmod if we had an error *)
| Ok () ->
let path = Fpath.(dir // rel) in
let* mode = Bos.OS.Path.Mode.get path in
if mode land 0o600 <> 0o600 then
let+ () = Bos.OS.Path.Mode.set path (mode lor 0o600) in
else Ok ()
let* res =
Bos.OS.Path.fold ~err:raise_fold_error chmod_u_rw (Ok ()) [ dir ]
| Ok () -> chmod_plus_readwrite_path ~id Fpath.(dir // rel)
let* res = Bos.OS.Path.fold ~err:raise_fold_error f (Ok ()) [ dir ] in
match res with
| Ok () -> Ok ()
| Error s ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,29 +211,12 @@ let styled_stuck_detail fmt =
let pp3 = Fmt.styled `Bold pp2 in
Fmt.styled `Underline pp3
let uninstall_directory_onerror_exit ~id ~dir ~wait_seconds_if_stuck =
let delete_path_on_windows ~id ~path ~wait_seconds_if_stuck ~comspec ~cmd
~options =
let open Immediate_fail (struct
let id = id
end) in
(* On Windows we need to get write access before you can delete the
file. *)
let fl = Forward_progress.stderr_fatallog in
let sequence =
let* exists = Bos.OS.Path.exists dir in
if exists then ( (fun m -> m "Uninstalling directory: %a" Fpath.pp dir);
let* () = chmod_plus_readwrite_dir ~id dir in
OS.Dir.delete has bizarre error messages, like:
C:\Users\beckf\AppData\Local\Temp\build999583.dune\test_uninstall_7b4501\cmd.exe: The directory name is invalid.
when the above cmd.exe is being used. So we use cmd.exe on Windows instead which
has user-friendly DOS error messages.
match (Sys.win32, Bos.OS.Env.var "COMSPEC") with
| true, Some comspec when comspec != "" ->
Expand All @@ -245,62 +230,59 @@ let uninstall_directory_onerror_exit ~id ~dir ~wait_seconds_if_stuck =
C:\Users\beckf\AppData\Local\Temp\f46f0508-df03-40e8-8661-728f1be41647\UninstallBlueGreenDeploy2\0\cmd.exe - Access is denied.
So any output on the error console indicates a problem.
let cmd =
Printf.sprintf "@rd /s /q %s" (Filename.quote (Fpath.to_string dir))
let* batchfile = Bos.OS.File.tmp "rd_%s.bat" in
let* () = Bos.OS.File.write batchfile cmd in
let start_secs = Unix.time () in
let rec helper () =
Bos.OS.Cmd.run_out ~err:Bos.OS.Cmd.err_run_out
Bos.Cmd.(v comspec % "/c" % Fpath.to_string batchfile)
|> Bos.OS.Cmd.out_string
| Ok ("", (_, `Exited 0)) -> Ok ()
| Ok (text, (_, `Exited 0)) ->
(* Exit 0 with any stdout/stderr is a problem. We used 'rd /q'
to suppress output, so any output is an error. *)
let now_secs = Unix.time () in
let elapsed_secs = now_secs -. start_secs in
if elapsed_secs > wait_seconds_if_stuck then
"The DOS command 'rd' did not succeed.@,@[<v>%a@]"
Fmt.lines (dos2unix text))
else (
(* Retry until time complete *)
Stuck during uninstallation of %a@,\
Waited already %5.1f seconds; will wait at most %5.1f \
@[ %a@]@]@,\
Fpath.pp dir elapsed_secs wait_seconds_if_stuck
(styled_stuck_info Fmt.string)
"Please stop and exit the program:"
(styled_stuck_detail Fmt.lines)
(dos2unix text);
Unix.sleep 5;
helper ())
| Ok (text, (_, `Exited v)) ->
"The DOS command DOS 'rd' exited with exit code %d.@,\
v Fmt.lines (dos2unix text))
| Ok (text, (_, `Signaled v)) ->
"The DOS command DOS 'rd' was killed by signal %d.@,\
v Fmt.lines (dos2unix text))
| Error msg -> Error msg
helper ()
let cmd =
Printf.sprintf "@%s %s %s" cmd options
(Filename.quote (Fpath.to_string path))
let* batchfile = Bos.OS.File.tmp "delpath_%s.bat" in
let* () = Bos.OS.File.write batchfile cmd in
let start_secs = Unix.time () in
let rec helper () =
Bos.OS.Cmd.run_out ~err:Bos.OS.Cmd.err_run_out
Bos.Cmd.(v comspec % "/c" % Fpath.to_string batchfile)
|> Bos.OS.Cmd.out_string
| Ok ("", (_, `Exited 0)) -> Ok ()
| Ok (text, (_, `Exited 0)) ->
(* Exit 0 with any stdout/stderr is a problem. We used 'rd /q' or 'del /q'
to suppress output, so any output is an error. *)
let now_secs = Unix.time () in
let elapsed_secs = now_secs -. start_secs in
if elapsed_secs > wait_seconds_if_stuck then
(Rresult.R.msgf "The DOS command '%s' did not succeed.@,@[<v>%a@]"
cmd Fmt.lines (dos2unix text))
else (
(* Retry until time complete *)
Stuck during uninstallation of %a@,\
Waited already %5.1f seconds; will wait at most %5.1f seconds.@,\
@[ %a@]@]@,\
Fpath.pp path elapsed_secs wait_seconds_if_stuck
(styled_stuck_info Fmt.string)
"Please stop and exit the program:"
(styled_stuck_detail Fmt.lines)
(dos2unix text);
Unix.sleep 5;
helper ())
| Ok (text, (_, `Exited v)) ->
"The DOS command DOS '%s' exited with exit code %d.@,@[<v>%a@]" cmd
v Fmt.lines (dos2unix text))
| Ok (text, (_, `Signaled v)) ->
"The DOS command DOS '%s' was killed by signal %d.@,@[<v>%a@]" cmd
v Fmt.lines (dos2unix text))
| Error msg -> Error msg
helper ()
let helper () =
Bos.OS.Cmd.run_out Bos.Cmd.(v comspec % "/c" % cmd)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -328,35 +310,35 @@ let uninstall_directory_onerror_exit ~id ~dir ~wait_seconds_if_stuck =
helper ()
(* let ic =
Unix.open_process_args_in comspec
[| "/s"; "/c"; cmd |]
let rd_output = really_input_string ic 0 |> dos2unix in
match Unix.close_process_in ic with
| WEXITED 0 when rd_output = "" -> Ok ()
| WEXITED 0 ->
"DOS 'rd' exited with exit code 0, but should not have \
produced output.@,\
Fmt.lines rd_output)
| WEXITED v ->
(Rresult.R.msgf "DOS 'rd' exited with exit code %d.@,@[<v>%a@]"
v Fmt.lines rd_output)
(Rresult.R.msgf "DOS 'rd' killed by signal %d.@,@[<v>%a@]" v
Fmt.lines rd_output)
(Rresult.R.msgf "DOS 'rd' stopped by signal %d.@,@[<v>%a@]" v
Fmt.lines rd_output))
(* let ic =
Unix.open_process_args_in comspec
[| "/s"; "/c"; cmd |]
let rd_output = really_input_string ic 0 |> dos2unix in
match Unix.close_process_in ic with
| WEXITED 0 when rd_output = "" -> Ok ()
| WEXITED 0 ->
"DOS 'rd' exited with exit code 0, but should not have \
produced output.@,\
Fmt.lines rd_output)
| WEXITED v ->
(Rresult.R.msgf "DOS 'rd' exited with exit code %d.@,@[<v>%a@]"
v Fmt.lines rd_output)
(Rresult.R.msgf "DOS 'rd' killed by signal %d.@,@[<v>%a@]" v
Fmt.lines rd_output)
(Rresult.R.msgf "DOS 'rd' stopped by signal %d.@,@[<v>%a@]" v
Fmt.lines rd_output))
(match Unix.system cmd with
| WEXITED 0 -> Ok ()
| WEXITED v ->
Expand All @@ -366,6 +348,45 @@ let uninstall_directory_onerror_exit ~id ~dir ~wait_seconds_if_stuck =
Error (Rresult.R.msgf "DOS 'rd' stopped by signal %d" v))
let uninstall_directory_onerror_exit ~id ~dir ~wait_seconds_if_stuck =
let open Immediate_fail (struct
let id = id
end) in
(* On Windows we need to get write access before you can delete the
file. *)
let fl = Forward_progress.stderr_fatallog in
let sequence =
let* exists = Bos.OS.Path.exists dir in
if exists then ( (fun m -> m "Uninstalling directory: %a" Fpath.pp dir);
let* () = chmod_plus_readwrite_dir ~id dir in
OS.Dir.delete has bizarre error messages, like:
C:\Users\beckf\AppData\Local\Temp\build999583.dune\test_uninstall_7b4501\cmd.exe: The directory name is invalid.
when the above cmd.exe is being used. So we use cmd.exe on Windows instead which
has user-friendly DOS error messages.
match (Sys.win32, Bos.OS.Env.var "COMSPEC") with
| true, Some comspec when comspec != "" ->
rd "C:\Temp\abc" /s /q
And instead of dealing with insane OCaml + DOS quoting issues, will
create a temporary batch file and execute that.
Other complexity is we won't get any error codes from `rd`. But we will get:
C:\Users\beckf\AppData\Local\Temp\f46f0508-df03-40e8-8661-728f1be41647\UninstallBlueGreenDeploy2\0\cmd.exe - Access is denied.
So any output on the error console indicates a problem.
delete_path_on_windows ~id ~path:dir ~wait_seconds_if_stuck ~comspec
~cmd:"rd" ~options:"/s /q"
| _ -> Bos.OS.Dir.delete ~recurse:true dir)
else Ok ()
Expand All @@ -376,3 +397,52 @@ let uninstall_directory_onerror_exit ~id ~dir ~wait_seconds_if_stuck =
(Fmt.str "The directory@ %a@ could not be uninstalled due to: %a"
Fpath.pp dir Rresult.R.pp_msg rmsg);
exit (Forward_progress.Exit_code.to_int_exitcode Exit_transient_failure)
let uninstall_file_onerror_exit ~id ~file ~wait_seconds_if_stuck =
let open Immediate_fail (struct
let id = id
end) in
(* On Windows we need to get write access before you can delete the file. *)
let fl = Forward_progress.stderr_fatallog in
let sequence =
let* exists = Bos.OS.Path.exists file in
if exists then ( (fun m -> m "Uninstalling file: %a" Fpath.pp file);
let* () = chmod_plus_readwrite_path ~id file in
OS.Dir.delete has bizarre error messages, like:
C:\Users\beckf\AppData\Local\Temp\build999583.dune\test_uninstall_7b4501\cmd.exe: The directory name is invalid.
when the above cmd.exe is being used. So we use cmd.exe on Windows instead which
has user-friendly DOS error messages.
match (Sys.win32, Bos.OS.Env.var "COMSPEC") with
| true, Some comspec when comspec != "" ->
del "C:\Temp\abc" /f /q
And instead of dealing with insane OCaml + DOS quoting issues, will
create a temporary batch file and execute that.
Other complexity is we won't get any error codes from `del`. But we will get:
Access is denied.
So any output on the error console indicates a problem.
delete_path_on_windows ~id ~path:file ~wait_seconds_if_stuck ~comspec
~cmd:"del" ~options:"/f /q"
| _ -> Bos.OS.File.delete file)
else Ok ()
match sequence with
| Ok () -> ()
| Error rmsg ->
fl ~id
(Fmt.str "The file@ %a@ could not be uninstalled due to: %a" Fpath.pp
file Rresult.R.pp_msg rmsg);
exit (Forward_progress.Exit_code.to_int_exitcode Exit_transient_failure)
14 changes: 13 additions & 1 deletion api/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ module type Intf = sig

val uninstall_directory_onerror_exit :
id:string -> dir:Fpath.t -> wait_seconds_if_stuck:float -> unit
(** [uninstall_directory ~id ~dir ~wait_seconds_if_stuck] removes the directory [dir] and, if any process
(** [uninstall_directory_onerror_exit ~id ~dir ~wait_seconds_if_stuck] removes the directory [dir] and, if any process
is using the files in [dir], will give the [wait_seconds_if_stuck] seconds to stop using the
program. If the directory cannot be removed then prints an error on the
fatal logger [fl ~id] and exists with a transient error code.
Expand All @@ -281,6 +281,18 @@ module type Intf = sig
only on Windows machines will trigger the logic to check if a process
is using a file or directory. This behavior may change in the future. *)

val uninstall_file_onerror_exit :
id:string -> file:Fpath.t -> wait_seconds_if_stuck:float -> unit
(** [uninstall_file_onerror_exit ~id ~dir ~wait_seconds_if_stuck] removes the file [file] and, if the file
is currently in use, will give the [wait_seconds_if_stuck] seconds to stop using the
file. If the file cannot be removed then prints an error on the
fatal logger [fl ~id] and exists with a transient error code.
For Windows machines a file cannot be removed if it is in use. For most *nix
machines the file can be removed since the inode lives on. Consequently
only on Windows machines will trigger the logic to check if a process
is using the file. This behavior may change in the future. *)

{2 Logging}
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