Code for the final project of CMSC 671 course (Fall 2018)
To run the code, use the following command:
$ python --height 10 --width 10 \
--num-powerups 2 --num-monsters 1 --num-dynamic-monsters 1\
--initial-strength 100 \
--save-dir map1/ \
--verbose --show-map --map-type emoji
If you want to play against a human (having a human player as an agent in addition to the random or your implemented agent), use the --play-against-human
flag when calling
To implement a new agent, create a new agent class inheriting from the BaseAgent
class in the
file. You just need to implement the step(...)
function. Take a look at how RandomAgent
has been implemented. You can also switch to HumanAgent
to play by hand and see map printouts.
- Python >= 3.6
- Numpy
- Emoji (package: emoji) -- if you want emoji maps
Anushree Desai, Divyesh Chitroda, Hakju Oh, Shree Hari