This is a Django backend for sá that uses Mongodb to serve a GraphQL-endpoint to the sá application.
The development of this backend is most easily done in a Linux environment. On Mac, the needed fsts must be compiled and installed from source.
- Install and setup mongodb
- Install
- Install the packages giella-fin, giella-nob, giella-sma, giella-sme, giella-smj, giella-smn, giella-sms, python3-hfst
- Checkout the langtech svn repo parallel to this one
svn checkout langtech
) - Set the environment variable GTHOME to point to the working copy of langtech
- Fetch poetry
- cp .env.example to .env
- set the app secret (follow the link in .env)
- set the mongodb username and password
poetry install # install dependencies
Use poetry env list
and poetry config --list
to find out where the active
virtual environment is. Open the file pyvenv.cfg
, change the line
include-system-site-packages = false
to include-system-site-packages = true
This step is needed because hfst sometimes is uninstallable using poetry (pip,
setuptools), and we need to use the system packages instead.
poetry run python migrate # migrate the database
poetry run python runscript from_dump # import content from langtech
Set DEBUG=True in .env, then run the following command
poetry run python runserver
Find out which queries are available by going to the built-in GraphQL IDE at http://localhost:8000/graphql/
The startup of this repo was the Django and GraphQL intro
To dump the schema, run:
poetry run python graphql_schema --out schema.graphql
The examples below query the production server. If you'd like to do queries on
the development server, use the url http://localhost:8000/graphql/
instead of
Get all the possible queries
curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
--compressed \
--data-binary '{"query":"{ __schema{ queryType { fields{ name } } } }"}'
Gives this answer:
"data": {
"__schema": {
"queryType": {
"fields": [
"name": "conceptList"
"name": "dictEntryList"
"name": "stemList"
"name": "hasStem"
Search the database for lookup words.
Download lemmas.json and run the command:
curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
--compressed \
--data-binary '@lemmas.json'
This command looks for first hundred search words starting with "arg" from our
database. The variable inputValue
is used to define what we look for. The list
tells which languages the search word should be in, the list
tells which languages the search should have a translation for.
The list wantedDicts
tells which dictionaries we would like answers from.
Edit lemmas.json
to experiment with the query.
Get dictionary and terminology articles.
Download articles.json and run the command:
curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
--compressed \
--data-binary '@articles.json'
This command looks for articles that has bil
as a lookup word. The variable
is used to define this. lemma
must be an exact hit, usually this is
fetched from the stemlist. The list srcLangs
tells which languages the lookup
word should be in, the list targetLangs
tells which languages the lookup word
should have a translation for. The list wantedDicts
tells which dictionaries
we would like answers from.
Edit articles.json
to experiment with the query.
Used to decide whether stem
is in the stemList. In
satni-frontend this is used to
decide if a reverse lookup can be done from a translation. The list
tells which languages the lookup word should have a translation
for. The list wantedDicts
tells which dictionaries we would like answers from.
Download hasStem.json and run the command:
curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
--compressed \
--data-binary '@hasStem.json'
Used to generate wordforms from a paradigm template.
The generator returns a list where each element contains a paradigm template and a list of wordforms generated from that paradigm template.
To see an example of the results of this query, download generated.json and run the command:
curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
--compressed \
--data-binary '@generated.json'
Used to analyse wordforms sent to the lemmatiser.
The lemmatiser returns a list containing info about the language of the lemmatiser, a list of lemmatised wordforms and a list of analyses of the queried wordform.
The list of lemmatised wordforms can be used to query the dictionaries, the analyses can be used to explain the different analyses of the given wordform.
To see an example of the results of this query, download lemmatised.json and run the command:
curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
--compressed \
--data-binary '@lemmatised.json'
To get a complete overview what this backend offers, download all.json and do the command:
curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
--compressed \
--data-binary '@all.json'
Login as the user that should run the service. Clone this repo in the root of
the home directory. Check out the langtech svn repo as described above in the
root of the home directory, as well. Do all the other steps as described in the
Move into the satni-backend directory, then run these commands:
loginctl enable-linger
. This allows users who are not logged in to run long-running servicesmkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user/
cp satni.service.example ~/.config/systemd/user/satni.service
poetry shell
which gunicorn
Edit ~/.config/systemd/user/satni.service
, replace virtualenv-path/gunicorn
with the result you got from which gunicorn
- systemctl --user start satni
- systemctl --user stop satni
- systemctl --user restart satni
Checking the status
- systemctl --user status satni
- journalctl --user-unit satni