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Dragon Kao edited this page Nov 6, 2013 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the WSAutoclick wiki!

This program for UPS WorldShip used

  1. you need install ASIAPAC-Taiwan , UPS WorldShip

WorldShip AutoClick for End of Day Support Version : WS14 , WS15 , WS16 , WS17

  1.  If WorldShip not open , open WorldShip
  2.  Wait 30 sec for WorldShip start process
  3.  Send key “F11” for End of Day
  4.  Send key “Enter” for Confirm “YES”
  5.  Wait 30 sec for End of Day process
  6.  Send key “F12” for Close WorldShip
  7.  Wait 1 sec for wait confirm “Yes”
  8.  Send key “Enter” for confirm “Yes”
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