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A fast and performant Least Frequently Used (LFU) sorted set implementation for working with reasonably sized integers (unsigned). Trades memory for performance, optimised for frequently updating and counting a relatively small set of integers (integers ranging from 0 to 2^16) or extracting unique integers from a large pool of numbers in one go (integers ranging from 0 to 2^28). Sorted in natural ascending order of integers by default.

Use cases

  1. Unique integer extraction
  2. Duplicate integer counting
  3. Finding top-k most frequent items in one or many lists
  4. Nearest neighbour finding based on frequency of occurrence
  5. Sorting random integers for binary operations
  6. A lightweight key/value dictionary


See the full API documentation for in-depth settings and examples.

See the ObservableHQ collection for hands-on examples.

How it works

Once initialised, QuickSet allocates a TypedArray based on the expected range of integers (numbers between 0 and 2^28) and frequency of occurrence (counts between 0 and 2^32). Additionally, it keeps track of how often individual integers are added to the set, providing a top-k window of most frequent integers.

Two modes are provided for establishing top-k ranks, minsum and winsum. Both eject the least frequent integer from their ranks upon integer insertion, yielding a ranked 'window' that guarantees the k-most occurring elements of the set to 'bubble up' (ejecting the Least Frequently Used or LFU). Whereas minsum overwrites the least frequent integer (i.e. random access), winsum keeps integers sorted in decreasing order of occurrence (slightly more computationally expensive).

This makes QuickSet a fast alternative to counting and sorting all elements in a given set, preventing costly sorting operations and returning a ranked window of most frequent integers up till a point of your choosing. This enables working with frequently occurring items 'earlier' compared to processing and sorting the input data in full, especially if the underlying integers follow a non-uniform distribution.


npm install @suptxt/quickset

After installing, create a QuickSet by calling:

let set = new QuickSet()

This instantiates a new set with default parameters and a top-k window of 0-length, which may need additional configuring to suit your needs. As a rule of thumb:

  1. If you are interested in using unweighted set operations only, use add or put for single and unique for bulk insertions.
  2. If you want to assign weights to integers, use sum for single and batch for bulk insertions. Updates to the top-k window are only made when the slot parameter is set.

Methods can be mixed and matched at will, but can yield unwanted results if used without caution:

  • add , put and unique overwrite previous values and do not update the top-k window on integer insertion
  • sum and batch maintain previous values and do update the top-k window on integer insertion

See the tombstoning example for why this is useful.


new QuickSet ({...config})

Creates a new QuickSet instance with default settings (the top-k window is turned off by default):

let config = {

  mode: "minsum" || "winsum",
  slot:   0, // top-k window off by default  (0 .. 64)

  span: 512, // max expected integer range (0 .. 2^28)
  clip:   0, // min expected integer range (0 .. 2^28)
  high: 128, // max expected integer count (0 .. 2^32)
  freq:   1, // min expected integer count (0 .. 2^32)

  fifo:   0, // replace earlier values in case of ties

mode: "minsum" || "winsum"

Sets the default summing mode when using sum. See rankers for differences.

span: 0 .. 2 ^ 28

Maximum expected integer in set. Integers above this number are ignored when added to the set.

  • Upper range bound for all integers (inclusive).
  • Defaults to 512.
clip: 0 .. 2 ^ 28

Minimum expected integer in set. Integers below this number are ignored when added to the set.

  • Lower range bound for all integers (inclusive).
  • Defaults to 0.
high: 0 .. 2 ^ 32

Maximum expected count of individual integers. Individual integer counts are limited to this value.

  • Upper frequency bound per integer (exclusive).
  • Defaults to 128.
freq: 0 .. 2 ^ 32

Minimum expected count of individual integers. Threshold for integers to qualify for a top-k position.

  • Lower frequency bound per integer (exclusive).
  • Defaults to 1.
slot: 0 .. 64

Amount of slots to keep track of the top-k most frequent integers in a set.

  • Values between 0 and 64 set the top-k window size.
  • Defaults to 0.
fifo: true || false

Whether to eject old values from the top-k window in case of ties (first-in first-out).

  • Performance might be affected when set to true.
  • Defaults to false.

Setting fifo to true overwrites the default Ranker methods. To revert the .minsum() and .winsum() rankers to their 'non-fifo' state, initiate a new QuickSet.

QuickSet class { ... }

Besides the configured options and methods, QuickSet returns an object with two visible and one hidden backing array and some additional properties describing the internal state. While each array can be read without issue (for instance, to execute some logic when a specific integer reaches a certain top-k position or when its frequency exceeds a certain threshold), modifying them can lead to unwanted behaviour.

  • The hidden bits array acts as a backing array to track all integer frequencies in a set.
  • The visible arrays, rank and stat provide the top-k window of most frequent integers (rank) and values (stat) present in a set.
set.bits: [UintArray]

This non-enumerable property contains the backing array (Typed) that stores all integers present in the set as well as their values.

set.rank: [UintArray]

This enumerable property displays the top-k window of ranked integers (Typed). The window size is determined from slot.

set.stat: [UintArray]

This enumerable property displays the values associated with each ranked integer (Typed). Same length as rank.

set.last: Uint

A constant parameter for accessing the last item in the top-k window defined by slot.

set.tmin: Uint

A variable parameter displaying the minimum value in the top-k window, lower bounded by freq.

set.tmax: Uint

A variable parameter displaying the maximum value in the top-k window, upper bounded by high.

Note that due to being TypedArrays, rank and stat may contain multiple zeroes depending on how filled top-k slots. If 0 is an integer you have previously inserted, you can access this by looking for the first indexed 0 in rank and access its value at the same index in stat.



.batch( ...uints[, values ​])

Batch loading method for inserting integers into the set and summing optional weights/values (uses .sum() under the hood). Additionally updates the the top-k window based on mode.

Basic example:

let set = new QuickSet();

 // set.keys()   = [0,1,2,4,6,7,1]
 // set.values() = [1,3,1,1,1,2,1]

Array example:

let uints = [0,1,1,2,4,6,7,7,1];

 // set.keys()   = [0,1,2,4,6,7,1]
 // set.values() = [1,3,1,1,1,2,1]

Columnar example (values are summed for duplicate integers):

let uints = [1,5,7,1];
let vals  = [1,2,3,4];
    set.batch(uints, vals);

 // set.keys()   = [1,5,7]
 // set.values() = [5,2,3]

Strided columnar example (values are summed in strided fashion for duplicate integers):

let uints = [1,2,2,5];
let vals  = [1,3];
    set.batch(uints, vals);

 // set.keys()   = [1,2,5]
 // set.values() = [1,4,3]

Batch operations are chainable:

set.batch(0,1,2,1).batch(1,2).entries() // = [ [0,1], [1,3], [2,2] ]

.unique( ...uints )

Batch loading method for inserting unique integers into the set once (uses .add() under the hood). Resets previous set values (i.e. integer counts) to one. Does not update the top-k window (use .batch() to track integer frequencies and have updates reflected).

Basic example:

let set = new QuickSet();

 // set.keys()   = [0,1,2,4,6,7]
 // set.values() = [1,1,1,1,1,1]

Array example:

let uints = [0,2,4,1,6,7,1,2];

 // set.keys()   = [0,1,2,4,6,7]
 // set.values() = [1,1,1,1,1,1]

Unique operations are chainable:

set.unique(0,1,2,1).unique(1,2).keys() // = [ 0,1,2 ]


Methods for inserting and updating integer data.

.add( ​uint[, value​ ]​)

Inserts a single integer into the set if above the lower clip and below the upper span bound, with an optional weight/value limited to high. Useful for initialising a set with weights, or quickly adding integers to the set (use .unique() for faster key insertion). Overwrites previously set values, but does not update the top-k window (use .sum() to have updates reflected).


let set = new QuickSet({
      slot: 2,


// .add() overwrites backing array
//  set.keys()   = [ 1,2 ]
//  set.values() = [ 1,4 ]

//  .add() does not update top-k window
//  set.rank = [ 0,0 ]
//  set.stat = [ 0,0 ]

.put( uint[, value ])

'Unsafe' adds an integer to the set with an optional value without checking if the integer falls within range or its value exceeds the high frequency mark (use .add() for safe insertion). Overwrites previously set values, but does not update the top-k window (use .sum() to have updates reflected).

Should in theory provide better performance compared to .add() with the risk of adding integers beyond the configured range or expected frequency (potentially causing overflows).


let set = new QuickSet({
      high: 255,
      slot: 2


//  .put() overwrites backing array
//  set.keys()   = [ 1 , 2 ]
//  set.values() = [ 255,0 ]

//  .put() does not update top-k window
//  set.rank = [ 0,0 ]
//  set.stat = [ 0,0 ]

This method is useful for tombstoning integers, e.g. setting an integer's value higher than the high watermark to prevent it being picked up by the .sum() top-k window:

let set = new QuickSet({
      mode: "minsum",
      high: 127,
      slot: 2

//  Integers with a value exceeding 'high' are ignored by .sum() 


//  set.rank = [ 2, 0 ]
//  set.stat = [ 4, 0 ]

//  Enable 1 to be picked up by .sum() again
//  by setting its value below the 'high' frequency mark
//  note: the first .put() does not update top-k window, but .sum() does


//  set.rank = [ 2, 1 ]
//  set.stat = [ 4, 5 ]

This technique can be used to build a 'drop' list of integers and keep unwanted integers out of the top-k ranking without having to validate each integer during more expansive .sum() operations (tombstoned values are simply ignored).

.sum( ​uint[, value ])

Inserts a single integer into the set if above the lower clip and below the upper span bound. If already present, increases its frequency by one or a custom weight/value limited to high. Additionally updates the top-k window based on mode when the updated value exceeds the minimum freq parameter.


let set = new QuickSet({
      mode: "minsum",
      high: 16,
      freq:  2,
      slot:  4,


 // set.rank = [ 1 , 2 , 0 , 0 ];
 // set.stat = [ 3 , 5 , 0 , 0 ]; 


Methods for checking and retrieving integer data.

.has( uint )

Checks if the given integer is part of the set.

let uints = [0,1,5,7];

    set.has(7) // => true
    set.has(3) // => false

.get( uint )

Retrieves the given integer's value if present in the set.

let uints = [0,1,5,7];
    vals  = [1,2,3,4];
    set.batch(uints, vals);

    set.get(7) // => 4
    set.get(3) // => 0


Methods for deleting and jettisoning integer data.

.delete( uint )

Removes a single integer and its value from the set. Does not update the top-k window (use .derank() for this). Useful for resetting an integer's count to zero in the Typed backing array while maintaining its last position and value in the top-k window.


let set = new QuickSet({
      mode: "winsum",
      freq:  1,
      slot:  6

//  Backing array
//  set.keys()   = [ 0,1,3,4,5,7 ]
//  set.values() = [ 1,3,2,1,1,1 ]

//  Top-k window 
//  set.rank = [ 1,3,0,4,5,7 ]
//  set.stat = [ 3,2,1,1,1,1 ]


//  [ 1,3 ]  deleted from backing array

//  set.keys()   = [ 0,4,5,7 ]
//  set.values() = [ 1,1,1,1 ]

//  [ 1,3 ] kept in top-k window

//  set.rank = [ 1,3,0,4,5,7 ]
//  set.stat = [ 3,2,1,1,1,1 ]

This method can also be used to reset integer counts to 0 when exceeding a threshold, which downsamples frequent integers during later .sum() operations.

let example = forthcoming

.derank( uint )

Removes a single integer and its value from the set. Additionally updates the top-k window based on mode. Useful to delete an integer from the Typed backing array and remove it from the top-k window.

let set = new QuickSet({
      mode: "winsum",
      freq:  1,
      slot:  6

//  Backing array
//  set.keys()   = [ 0,1,3,4,5,7 ]
//  set.values() = [ 1,3,2,1,1,1 ]

//  Top-k window 
//  set.rank = [ 1,3,0,4,5,7 ]
//  set.stat = [ 3,2,1,1,1,1 ]


//  [ 1,0,4 ] deleted from backing array

//  set.keys()   = [ 3,5,7 ]
//  set.values() = [ 2,1,1 ]

//  [ 1,0,4 ] deranked from top-k window

//  set.rank = [ 3,5,7,0,0,0 ]
//  set.stat = [ 2,1,1,0,0,0 ]


Strategies for inserting and updating integer counts and updating the top-k window.

.minsum( uint[, value ])

Inserts a single integer into the set if above the lower clip and below the upper span bound. If already present, increases its frequency by one or a custom weight/value limited to high. Additionally updates the top-k window using the 'minsum' strategy when the updated value exceeds the lower freq bound:

  1. If already in top-k window, update count by one or a custom weight/value
  2. If value exceeds freq find first integer with lowest frequency count
  3. Replace this integer with the updated one and its new value

The count of each dropped integer remains accessible in the Typed backing array. Depending on fifo, the minsum strategy executes as follows.

When fifo = true earlier insertions are overwritten (first-in first-out):

let set = new QuickSet({
      mode: "minsum",
      fifo: true ,
      slot: 4,
      freq: 0

//  when 4 is inserted 1 is overwritten
//                [4]
//                 v
//  set.rank = [ 0,1,2,3 ]
//  set.stat = [ 3,1,2,1 ]

When fifo = false earlier insertions are kept:

let set = new QuickSet({
      mode: "minsum",
      fifo: false ,
      slot: 4,
      freq: 0

//  when 4 is inserted
//  find empty slot with a lower count
//                [4] [4]    [4]
//                 x   x  ->  v
//  set.rank = [ 0,1,2,3 ]   [4] not inserted 
//  set.stat = [ 3,1,2,1 ]   [1] not inserted

This insertion method resembles random access while guaranteeing the most frequent elements to bubble up. If integer counts are tied, fifo is enacted based on its setting. More efficient than .winsum() due to absence of copying, with a performance penalty when fifo = true.

.winsum( uint[, value ])

Inserts a single integer into the set if above the lower clip and below the upper span bound. If already present, increases its frequency by one or a custom weight/value limited to high. Additionally updates the top-k window using the 'winsum' strategy when the updated value exceeds the lower freq bound:

  1. Find the last integer in the window with a count exceeding the value to insert
  2. From this index, move every integer and its value one position to the right
  3. Insert the integer and its updated value into the newly opened spot

The count of each dropped integer remains accessible in the Typed backing array. Depending on fifo, the winsum strategy executes as follows:

When fifo = true earlier insertions are dropped (first-in first-out):

let set = new QuickSet({
      mode: "winsum",
      fifo: true,
      slot: 4,
      freq: 0

//  when 4 is inserted 1 is ejected 
//                  [4]
//                   v
//  set.rank = [ 0,2,4,3 ] -> [1] dropped
//  set.stat = [ 3,2,1,1 ] -> [1] dropped

When fifo = false earlier insertions are kept:

let set = new QuickSet({
      mode: "winsum",
      fifo: false,
      slot: 4,
      freq: 0

//  when 4 is inserted try to
//  find empty slot with a lower count
//                  [4 4]    [4]
//                   x x  ->  v
//  set.rank = [ 0,2,3,1 ]   [4] not inserted
//  set.stat = [ 3,2,1,1 ]   [1] not inserted

This method resembles insertion sort, and keeps all integers in the top-k window sorted by decreasing order of frequency. If integer counts are tied, fifo is enacted based on its setting. Slightly slower than .minsum() due to frequent copying, with an additional performance penalty when fifo = true.


Methods for sorting and returning the set data. Each can be exit early by providing a maximum number of iters (value greater than zero or true for a full sweep), or return items in descending order by setting its reverse to true.

.keys( iters[, reverse ])

Method that returns all integer keys in the set in natural ascending order.

let set = new QuickSet();

 // set.keys()  = [0,1,2,3,4,5]
 // set.keys(2) = [0,1]

.values( iters[, reverse ])

Method that returns all values associated to keys in natural ascending order of keys.

let set = new QuickSet();

 // set.values()  = [1,2,3,1,2,1]
 // set.values(2) = [1,2]

.entries( iters[, reverse ])

Method that returns all key/value pairs in natural ascending order of keys.

let set = new QuickSet();

 // set.entries()  = [[0,1], [1,2], [2,3], [3,1], [4,2], [5,1]]
 // set.entries(2) = [[0,1], [1,2]]

.sorted( iters[, reverse ])

Method that sorts all integers in the set in natural ascending order. Slightly faster than calling native sort().

let set = new QuickSet();

 // set.sorted()  = [0,1,1,2,2,2,3,4,4,5]
 // set.sorted(3) = [0,1,1]


.top( k[, reverse ])

Method for copying the top window entries [ rank , stat ] up until position k.

let set = new QuickSet({
      mode: "minsum",
      fifo: false,
      slot: 4,
      freq: 0

 //  = [ [0,3], [1,1], [2,2], [3,1] ]
 // = [ [0,3], [2,2] ]

.topK( k[, reverse ])

Method for copying the top window keys [ rank ] up until position k.

let set = new QuickSet({
      mode: "minsum",
      fifo: false ,
      slot: 4,
      freq: 0
 // set.topK()  = [ 0,1,2,3 ]
 // set.topK(2) = [ 0,1 ]

.topV( k[, reverse ])

Method for copying the top window values [ stat ] up until position k.

let set = new QuickSet({
      mode: "minsum",
      fifo: false ,
      slot: 4,
      freq: 0
 // set.topV()  = [ 3,1,2,1 ]
 // set.topV(2) = [ 3,1 ]


.resize( 0 .. 64 )

Method for resizing the top-k window to a desired amount of slots. Keeps the set rank and stat data intact and pads with zeroes when increasing the slot parameter and drops data when decreased.

let set = new QuickSet({
      slot: 4

//  set.rank = [ 0,1,2,3 ];
//  set.stat = [ 1,3,1,2 ];


//  set.rank = [ 0,1,2,3,0 ];
//  set.stat = [ 1,3,1,2,0 ];


//  set.rank = [ 0,1 ];
//  set.stat = [ 1,3 ];


.clear( true || 0 .. 64 )

Method for clearing the Typed backing array (.clear(null)) and optionally wiping the top-k window (.clear(true)). During clearing operations, the top-k window can be resized as desired between 1 and 64 slots (.clear(1..64)). This is useful for resetting and reusing a set between runs without constructing a new QuickSet.

let set = new QuickSet({
      mode: "minsum",
      fifo: false,
      slot: 4,
      freq: 0,

//  set.keys()   = [ 0,1,2,3,4,6 ];
//  set.values() = [ 1,3,1,2,1,1 ];

//  set.rank     = [ 0,1,2,3 ];
//  set.stat     = [ 1,3,1,2 ];


//  set.keys()   = [ ];
//  set.values() = [ ];

//  set.rank     = [ 0,1,2,3 ];
//  set.stat     = [ 1,3,1,2 ];


//  set.keys()   = [ ];
//  set.values() = [ ];

//  top-k window set to zeroes
//  set.rank     = [ 0,0,0,0 ];
//  set.stat     = [ 0,0,0,0 ];


//  set.keys()   = [ 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ];
//  set.values() = [ 1,3,1,2,1,1,1,1 ];

//  top-k window resized to 6 slots
//  set.rank     = [ 0,1,2,3,4,6 ];
//  set.stat     = [ 1,3,1,2,1,1 ];


  1. Reuse a single instance
  2. Randomly switch between modes
  3. Use multiple QuickSets with a small integer span
  4. Maintain a new Map() for reverse value lookups
  5. Set freq to a value higher than 1 for top-k window speed-ups
  6. Subtract the minimum and adjust the span parameter to the new maximum expected integer to save on memory when working with a set of large integers
  7. Use multiple QuickSets with custom offsets to increase the maximum integer range


  1. Decreased performance on large sets (>2^24 uniformly distributed integers)
  2. Only limited top-k slots available (<64)
  3. No set size parameter yet
  4. No type checking of unsigned integers
  5. Reverse iteration not yet implemented
  6. Backing array resizing not yet implemented


On a Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8565U CPU @ 1.80GHz-1.99 GHz with 16GB RAM, the average time to extract unique keys from 5 runs of uniformly distributed random integers:

Random keys instance ms factor
2^28 native size exceeded -
= 268 435 456 QuickSet 4592 -
2^24 native 6095 -
= 16 777 216 QuickSet 212 28x
2^16 native 4.4 -
= 65 536 QuickSet 1.3 3x

See also