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WooCommerce Multilingual, Git-ified. Synced manual! This repository is just a mirror of the WooCommerce Multilingual plugin. Please do not send pull requests and issues.

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=== WooCommerce Multilingual - run WooCommerce with WPML ===
Contributors: AmirHelzer, sergey.r, mihaimihai, EduardMaghakyan, andrewp-2, kaggdesign
Donate link:
Tags: CMS, woocommerce, commerce, ecommerce, e-commerce, products, WPML, multilingual, e-shop, shop
License: GPLv2
Requires at least: 4.7
Tested up to: 5.5
Stable tag: 4.10.3
Requires PHP: 5.6

Allows running fully multilingual e-commerce sites using WooCommerce and WPML.

== Description ==

This 'glue' plugin makes it possible to run fully multilingual e-commerce sites using [WooCommerce]( and [WPML](

= Key Features =

* Translate all WooCommerce products (simple, variable, grouped, external)
* Easy translation management for products, categories and attributes
* Keeps the same language through the checkout process
* Sends emails to clients and admins in their language
* Allows inventory tracking without breaking products into languages
* Enables running a single WooCommerce store with multiple currencies based either on a customer’s language or location
* Allows enabling different payment gateways based on a customer’s location

= Compatibility with WooCommerce Extensions =

Almost every WooCommerce store uses some extensions. WooCommerce Multilingual is fully compatible with popular extensions, including:

* [WooCommerce Bookings](
* [WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping](
* [WooCommerce Subscriptions](
* [WooCommerce Product Add-ons](
* [WooCommerce Tab Manager](

Looking for other extensions that are tested and compatible with WPML? See the complete [list of WooCommerce extensions that are compatible with WPML](

= Usage Instructions =

For step by step instructions on setting up a multilingual shop, please go to [WooCommerce Multilingual Manual]( page.

After installing, follow the steps of the *setup wizard* to translate the store pages, configure what attributes should be translated, enable the multi-currency mode and other settings.

Then, continue to the 'Products' and any categories, tags and attributes that you use.

When you need help, go to [WooCommerce Multilingual support forum](

= Downloads =

This version of WooCommerce Multilingual works with WooCommerce > 3.3.0

You will also need [WPML](, together with the String Translation and the Translation Management modules, which are part of the [Multilingual CMS]( package.

= Minimum versions for WPML and modules =

WooCommerce Multilingual checks that the required components are active and up to date.

If the checks fail, WooCommerce Multilingual will not be able to run.

== Installation ==

= Minimum Requirements =

* WordPress 4.7 or later
* PHP version 5.6 or later
* MySQL version 5.6 or later

* WooCommerce 3.3.0 or later
* WPML Multilingual CMS 4.3.7 or later
* WPML String Translation 3.0.7 or later
* WPML Translation Management 2.9.5 or later

= WordPress automatic installation =
In your WordPress dashboard, go to the Plugins section and click 'Add new'.

= WPML Installer =
If you're already using WPML on your site, in your WordPress dashboard, go to the Plugins section, click 'Add new' and go to the 'Commercial' tab.

= Manual Installation =
1. Upload 'woocommerce-multilingual' to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

= Setup =
After installing the plugin either automatically or manually:

1. Follow the steps of the setup wizard for the basic required configuration
2. Translate existing content: products, attributes, permalink bases
3. Optionally, add secondary currencies

= Updating =
Once you installer WooCommerce Multilingual, the built in Installer works together with the WordPress automatic update built in logic to make the updating process as easy as it can be.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Does this work with other e-commerce plugins? =

No. This plugin is tailored for WooCommerce.

= What do I need to do in my theme? =

Make sure that your theme is not hard-coding any URL. Always use API calls to receive URLs to pages and you'll be fine.

= My checkout page displays in the same language =

In order for the checkout and store pages to appear translated, you need to create several WordPress pages and insert the WooCommerce shortcodes into them. You'll have to go over the [documentation]( and see that you performed all steps on the way.

= Can I have different URLs for the store in different languages? =

Yes. You can translate the product permalink base, product category base, product tag base and the product attribute base on the Store URLs section.

= Why do my product category pages return a 404 error? =

In this case, you may need to translate the product category base. You can do that on the Store URLs section.

= Can I set the prices in the secondary currencies? =

By default, the prices in the secondary currencies are determined using the exchange rates that you fill in when you add or edit a currency. On individual products, however, you can override this and set prices manually for the secondary currencies.

= Can I have separate currencies for each language? =

Yes. By default, each currency will be available for all languages, but you can customize this and disable certain currencies on certain languages. You also have the option to display different currencies based on your customers’ locations instead.

= Is this plugin compatible with other WooCommerce extensions? =

WooCommerce Multilingual is compatible with all major WooCommerce extensions. We’re continuously working on checking and maintaining compatibility and collaborate closely with the authors of these extensions.

== Screenshots ==

1. Products translation screen
2. Product translation editor
3. Global attributes translation
4. Multiple currencies
5. Status Page
6. Shop URLs translation screen

== Changelog ==

= 4.10.3 =
* Fixed the regular price displays as on sale for secondary currency.
* Fixed JS error on Woocommerce->Emails settings page.
* Fixed wrong shipping country returned for non-logged in users for gateways limiter.

= 4.10.0 =
* Currencies and payment options based on location.
* Fixed notice after WooCommerce Currency was changed.
* Fixed not translated partial refunded email heading and subject.
* Fixed the WC Bookings email string not updated in the settings screen.
* Fixed a PHP notice when one language is not set inside the currency languages settings.
* Fixed a fatal error with MercadoPago addon on WC Settings page.
* Fixed the usage of `wp_safe_redirect` and `wp_redirect` and take into account the returned value before to exit.
* Fixed empty attribute label for translations.
* Fix Redis cache when using Display as Translated mode and creating a variable product.
* Fixed a PHP Notice for some custom fields showing in the classic translation editor.
* Fixed the filter on wc_get_product_terms returning term names instead of slugs.
* Fixed multiple "Low stock" emails are not received by the admin.
* Fixed attribute label translation in German as a secondary language.
* Fixed not ended sale price in secondary currency if same sale dates uses from default.
* Fixed our gateways initialization on `wp_loaded` action.
* Fixed the WC Bookings reminder email that was sent in the wrong language.
* Fixed the WC Bookings email reminders sent multiple times.
* Fixed an issue creating empty "_gravity_form_data" post meta on product translation.
* Fixed no products on secondary language shop page if default language shop page contains special symbols.
* Fixed a performance issue due to comments filtering.

= 4.9.0 =
* Added new hook to Gravity Forms compatibility class.
* Manual shipping prices in secondary currencies.
* Fixed product attribute slug language not changed after changing value.
* Fixed missing numeric attribute values after translation using ATE.
* Fixed mini-cart total calculation when switching a currency.
* Fixed out of stock variable products if "Show only products with custom prices in secondary currencies" option is enabled.
* Fixed WC Tab Manager custom tab translation from ATE was not saved if the description is empty.
* Fixed an error which some additional plugins may cause with WC_Email object.
* Add a filter for WCML_WC_Gateways::get_current_gateway_language().
* Fixed not synchronized WooCommerce Tab Manager global tabs while saving product translation via ATE.
* Fixed not updated tax label after a change on settings page.
* Fixed the value of a custom attribute translation is overwritten on saving the original product.
* Fixed overwritten composite data title and description in translation after original product update.
* Fixed js console error in languages_notice.js file.
* Add language filtering for WooCommerce dashboard stock widgets.
* Fixed creating of several memberships in WooCommerce Membership plugin.

= 4.8.0 =
* Fixed JS SyntaxError on Products listing page.
* Fixed not registered 'Additional Content' emails setting text after first saving.
* Remove extra slash from the end of the translated base slug if a user added it.
* Fix custom fields translation in Translation Editor for Variations post type.
* Fixed customer Completed email has not translated heading and subject with WooCommerce 4.0.
* Fixed duplicated currency code in "Default currency" drop-down on Multi-currency settings page.
* Fixed language selector displayed in wrong place on Permalinks settings page.
* Fix customer order status email language when sent the shop manager use english language and english is not an active language.
* Fixed attributes synchronization may break variations relationships.
* Fixed not saved custom prices if translation is duplicated and Native screen editor selected.
* Fixed multiple same post meta keys translations.
* Add variation single "translatable" custom fields to translation package.
* Fixed error on Subscription renewal via PayPal.
* Fixed not saved The Events Calendar ticket meta if translation done by Translation Service.

= 4.7.0 =
* Replaced some Twig templates with pure PHP templates as the first step towards the removal of Twig dependencies.
* added comp. class to cover price update when products are edited with WOOBE plugin
* Added compatibility class for WooCommerce order status Manager  plugin
* Fixed an issue where the strings for the default payment methods were not properly translated on the Checkout page.
* Fixed an issue with the cache flush during language switching.
* Fixed in the original ticket.
* Fixed an issue where the gateway strings would always register in English instead of the site's default language.
* Fixed languages column width on products table.
* Fixed PHP Notice for WC Variations Swatches And Photos compatibility.
* WooCommerce Bookings compatibility : Fixed notice when trying to cancel booking.
* Fixed an issue where the total price on the Composite product page was not rounded.
* Fixed an issue causing wrong rewrite rules after saving the settings and visiting a page in a language other than the default.
* Fixed an issue with incorrect price converting for the Product add-ons.
* Fixed an issue with the WooCommerce Subscriptions availability in the secondary language after purchasing the subscription in the original language.
* Fixed an issue with the currency reverting to the default one during checkout.
* Fixed removed meta from original product not synchronized to translation.
* Fixed an issue where the BACS gateway instructions were not translated when re-sending the customer notification email from the admin.
* Fixed an issue with missing language information for attribute terms that happened after changing the attribute slug.
* Removed the Twig Composer dependency as it now relies on Twig from the WPML core plugin.
* Fixed an issue where customers would not receive notifications in the correct language.
* Fixed an issue where the Products shortcode was not working in the secondary language.
* Fixed error while sending WooCoomerce Bookings email for bookings which didn't have orders assigned.
* Added compatibility for free version of YIKES Custom Product Tabs.
* Updated compatibility class for WC Checkout Addons
* Fixed the images that were wrongly inserted in the translation job when attachments are not translatable.
* Significantly improved the site performance on when updating the page, post, or a WooCommerce product page in the admin.
* Added the "wp_" prefix to all cookies so that hosting and caching layers can properly handle them.
* Fixed a JavaScript error on the Store URLs tab.
* Fixed an issue where the "Fix translated variations relationships" troubleshooting option was removing translated variations.
* Fixed an issue where product names were not translated in the admin emails.
* Fixed an issue with the price filter widget not showing results in a secondary language.
* Fixed an issue where the shipping classes in secondary languages were not calculated during checkout.
* Display larger images when hovering thumbnails in the WooCommerce Multilingual Products admin page.
* Added the "wcml_new_order_admin_email_language" filter to allow setting the language of emails sent to admins for new or updated orders.

= 4.6.0 =
* Fix wrong currency code after removing item from manually created order
* Replace *_woocommerce_term_meta functions on *_term_meta
* Fix gallery images not showing up on translated product page
* Fix double calculating order item price while manually adding it from admin to order with WooCommerce 3.6.0
* Fix performance issues on checkout with manage stock products
* Fix performance issue on shop page with WooCommerce 3.6
* Fix loading scripts on admin pages
* Fix coupon discount when editing order from admin
* Fix wrong product price after adding another product to existing order from admin
* Fix my-account page endpoints in secondary language with pages set to "Display as translated"


WooCommerce Multilingual, Git-ified. Synced manual! This repository is just a mirror of the WooCommerce Multilingual plugin. Please do not send pull requests and issues.






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  • PHP 87.3%
  • JavaScript 6.6%
  • Twig 5.9%
  • CSS 0.2%