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Duplo - Duplicate Source Code Block Finder

C/C++ CI


🔥 v1 add build on Windows (thanks @chausner!)
v0.8 adds improved Java support

🙌 Help needed! See 8.3 on how to support more languages.

Table of Contents:

1. General Information

Duplicated source code blocks can harm maintainability of software systems. Duplo is a tool to find duplicated code blocks in large code bases. Duplo has special support for some programming languages, meaning it can filter out (multi-line) comments and compiler directives. For example: C, C++, Java, C#, and VB.NET. Any other text format is also supported.

2. Maintainer

Duplo was originally developed by Christian M. Ammann and is now maintained and developed by Daniel Lidström.

3. File Format Support

Duplo has built in support for the following file formats:

  • C/C++ (.c, .cpp, .cxx, .h, .hpp)
  • Java
  • C#
  • VB
  • GCC assembly
  • Ada

This means that Duplo will remove preprocessor directives, block comments, using statements, etc, to only consider duplicates in actual code. In addition, Duplo can be used as a general (without special support) duplicates detector in arbitrary text files and will even detect duplicates found in the same file.

Sample output snippet:



4. Installation

4.1. Docker

If you have Docker, the way to run Duplo is to use this command:

# Docker on unix
> docker run --rm -i -w /src -v $(pwd):/src dlidstrom/duplo

This pulls the latest image and runs duplo. Note that you'll have to pipe the filenames into this command. A complete commandline sample will be shown below.

4.2. Pre-built binaries

Duplo is also available as a pre-built binary for (Alpine) Linux, macOS and Windows. Grab the executable from the releases page.

You can of course build from source as well.

5. Usage

Duplo works with a list of files. You can either specify a file that contains the list of files, or you can pass them using stdin.

Run duplo --help on the command line to see the detailed options.

5.1. Passing files using stdin

In each of the following commands, duplo will write the duplicated blocks into out.txt in addition to the information written to stdout.

5.1.1. Bash

# unix
> find . -type f \( -iname "*.cpp" -o -iname "*.h" \) | duplo - out.txt

Let's break this down. find . -type f \( -iname "*.cpp" -o -iname "*.h" \) is a syntax to look recursively in the current directory (the . part) for files (the -type f part) matching *.cpp or *.h (case insensitive). The output from find is piped into duplo which then reads the filenames from stdin (the - tells duplo to get the filenames from stdin, a common unix convention in many commandline applications). The result of the analysis is then written to out.txt.

5.1.2. Windows

# windows
> Get-ChildItem -Include "*.cpp", "*.h" -Recurse | % { $_.FullName } | Duplo.exe - out.txt

This works similarly to the Bash command, but uses PowerShell commands to achieve the same effect.

5.1.3. Docker

# Docker on unix
> find . -type f \( -iname "*.cpp" -or -iname "*.h" \) | docker run --rm -i -w /src -v $(pwd):/src dlidstrom/duplo - out.txt

This command also works in a similar fashion to the Bash command, but instead of piping into a local duplo executable, it will pipe into duplo running inside Docker. This is very convenient as you do not have to install duplo separately. You will have to install Docker though, if you haven't already. That is a good thing to do anyway, since it opens up a lot of possibilities apart from running duplo.

Again, similarly to the Bash command, this uses find to find files in the current directory, then passes the file list to Docker which will pass it further into an instance of the latest version of duplo. The working directory in the duplo container should be /src (that's where the duplo executable is located) and the current path of your host machine will be mapped to /src when the container is running. The -i allows stdin of your host machine to be passed into Docker to allow duplo to read the filenames. Any parameters to duplo can be placed at the end of the command as you can see - out.txt has been.

5.2. Passing files using file

duplo can analyze files specified in a separate file:

# unix
> find . -type f \( -iname "*.cpp" -o -iname "*.h" \) > files.lst
> duplo files.lst out.txt

# windows
> Get-ChildItem -Include "*.cpp", "*.h" -Recurse |  % { $_.FullName } | Out-File -encoding ascii files.lst
> Duplo.exe files.lst out.txt

# Docker on unix
> find . -type f \( -iname "*.cpp" -o -iname "*.h" \) > files.lst
> docker run --rm -i -w /src -v $(pwd):/src dlidstrom/duplo files.lst out.txt

Again, the duplicated blocks are written to out.txt.

5.3. Xml output

Duplo can also output xml and there is a stylesheet that will format the result for viewing in a browser. This can be used as a report tab in your continuous integration tool (GitHub Actions, TeamCity, etc).

6. Feedback and Bug Reporting

Please open an issue to discuss feedback, feature requests and bug reports.

7. Algorithm Background

Duplo uses the same techniques as Duploc to detect duplicated code blocks. See Duca99bCodeDuplication for further information.

7.1. Performance Measurements

System Files Loc's Time
Quake2 266 102740 18sec

8. Developing

8.1. Unix

You need CMake and preferrably fswatch for the best experience.

# build dependencies
/> brew install cmake
/> brew install fswatch

Compiling is best done using the continuous file watcher:

# CMake builds in the build folder
/> mkdir build
/> pushd build
build/> cmake ..
# now issue make
build/> make
build/> popd
# continuous build can now be used in root folder
# (needs fswatch)
> ./

8.2. Windows

Use Visual Studio 2022 to open the included solution file (or try CMake).

8.3. Additional Language Support

Duplo can analyze all text files regardless of format, but it has special support for some programming languages (C++, C#, Java, for example). This allows Duplo to improve the duplication detection as it can ignore preprocessor directives and/or comments.

To implement support for a new language, there are a couple of options:

  1. Implement FileTypeBase which has support for handling comments and preprocessor directives. You just need to decide what is a comment. With this option you need to implement a couple of methods, one which is CreateLineFilter. This is to remove multiline comments. Look at CstyleCommentsFilter for an example.
  2. Implement IFileType interface directly. This gives you the most freedom but also is the hardest option.

You can see an example of how Java support was added effortlessly. It involves copying an existing file type implementation and adjusting the lines that should be filtered and how comments should be removed. Finally, add a few lines in FileTypeFactory.cpp to choose the correct implementation based on the file extension. Refer to this commit for all the details.

8.4. Language Suggestions

  • JavaScript (easy, just look at the existing C-based ones)
  • Ruby
  • Python
  • Perl
  • PHP
  • Rust
  • F#
  • Scala
  • Haskell
  • Erlang
  • What else?

Send me a pull request!

9. Changes

  • 1.0
    • Add Windows build. Now all major platforms yave binaries ready to run.
  • 0.8
    • Add support for Java which was lost or never there in the first place
  • 0.7
  • 0.6
    • Improved integration with duploq
  • 0.5
  • 0.4
    • Significant performance improvements
    • Using modern C++ techniques
    • Modularized to simplify adding support of new file formats
    • Can pass files using stdin
  • 0.3
    • Updated links in html output to GitHub
    • Support for gcc assembly (.s)
    • Fixed minimum number of lines in analysis
    • Fixed limitation of total number of lines of code
    • Checking of arbitrary files

10. Accompanying Software

For a pretty ui you should check out duploq by ArsMasiuk:


From duploq's Readme file:

duploq's approach is a pretty straighforward. First, duploq allows you to choose where to look for the duplicates (files or folders). Then it builds list of input files and passes it to the Duplo engine together with necessary parameters. After the files have been processed, duploq parses Duplo's output and visualises the results in easy and intuitive way. Also it provides additional statistics information which is not a part of Duplo output.

11. License

Duplo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Duplo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Duplo; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

12. Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time