NativeScript Calendar Week View provides week view and day view.It allow creating events and viewing them in week view.The plugin is highly under construction so any feedbacks and PRs are most Welcome.
- Plugin Setup
- WeekView with Properties Enabled
- Adding of Event
- Delete Event
- Async Event
- Gesture Events
1 Day View | 3 Day View | 7 Day View |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Android |
alamkanak/Android-Week-View |
From your command prompt/termial go to your app's root folder and execute:
npm i nativescript-calendar-weekview --save
<Page xmlns=""
xmlns:CalendarWeekView="nativescript-calendar-weekview" loaded="pageLoaded" class="page">
<ActionBar title="NativeScript-Calendar-WeekView" />
<CalendarWeekView:CalendarWeekView headerColumnBackground="#ffffff" todayBackgroundColor="#1848adff" noOfVisibleDays="3" dayBackgroundColor="#05000000" headerRowBackgroundColor="#ffefefef" columnGap="30" headerColumnTextColor="#8f000000" headerRowPadding="30" headerColumnPadding="30" hourHeight="120" textSize="30" />
import {CalendarWeekView} from 'nativescript-calendar-weekview';
public CalendarWeekView: CalendarWeekView;
import {Component, ElementRef, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import {registerElement} from "nativescript-angular/element-registry";
registerElement("CalendarWeekView", () => require("nativescript-calendar-weekview").CalendarWeekView);
selector: 'calendar-weekview-example',
template: `
<ActionBar title="Nativescript-Calendar-WeekView" style="background-color:#ED2831; color:white">
<ActionItem (tap)="addEvent()">
<Label class="actionItemLabel" text="Add" color="white" ></Label>
<CalendarWeekView #CalendarWeekView headerColumnBackground="#ffffff" todayBackgroundColor="#1848adff" noOfVisibleDays="3" dayBackgroundColor="#05000000" headerRowBackgroundColor="#ffefefef" columnGap="30" headerColumnTextColor="#8f000000" headerRowPadding="30" headerColumnPadding="30" hourHeight="120" textSize="30" >
export class CalendarViewExample {
@ViewChild("CalendarWeekView") CalendarWeekView: ElementRef;
addEvent() {
let event = this.CalendarWeekView.nativeElement;
// provide params in this order
// addEvent(id,name,startYear, startMonth, startDay,startHour,startMinute,endYear,endMonth, endDay, endHour,endMinute,eventColor)
event.addEvent(1, "first Event", 2017, 3, 14, 3, 3, 2017, 3, 14, 7, 5, "#87d288");
event.addEvent(2, "Second Event", 2017, 3, 15, 5, 3, 2017, 3, 15, 7, 5, "#59DBE0");
event.addEvent(3, "Third Event", 2017, 3, 14, 8, 3, 2017, 3, 14, 10, 5, "#F66C4E");
textSize - (int) - optional
Attribute to specify the size of text in weekview.
hourHeight - (int) - optional
Attribute to specify the size of text in weekview.
headerColumnPadding - (int) - optional
Attribute to specify the padding between header columns in weekview.
headerRowPadding - (int) - optional
Attribute to specify the padding between header rows in weekview.
headerColumnTextColor - (color string) - optional
Attribute to specify the text color of column headers in weekview.
columnGap - (int) - optional
Attribute to specify the gap between columns in weekview.
headerRowBackgroundColor - (color string) - optional
Attribute to specify the background color of header rows in weekview.
dayBackgroundColor - (color string) - optional
Attribute to specify the color of day i.e. not today in weekview.
noOfVisibleDays - (int) - optional
Attribute to specify the visibility of days (i.e.1,3,7 days) in weekview.
todayBackgroundColor - (color string) - optional
Attribute to specify the color of today bacground in weekview.
headerColumnBackground - (color string) - optional
Attribute to specify the background color of column headers in weekview.
addEvent ( id, name, startYear, startMonth, startDay, startHour, startMinute, endYear, endMonth, endDay, endHour, endMinute, eventColor )
Add Event with necessary Parameters passed and rendered in calendar.