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Dmitry Mamontov edited this page May 10, 2022 · 4 revisions

Calculate passwd

The service allows you to calculate the default password for telnet or ssh.

After calling the service, you will receive a notification with a password if it was calculated successfully.

❗ To activate telnet or ssh on the router, use the search on the Internet. The service only calculates the password.


service: miwifi.calc_passwd
  device_id: ... # Device ID (It is the router)

Send request

Allows you to make an arbitrary request to the router API.

The list of supported API methods can be found in the disassembled firmware repository.

After execution, the event Luci response will be called, in which the API response will be passed.

Example of turning off the LED:

service: miwifi.request
  device_id: ... # Device ID (It is the router)
  uri: misystem/led # API method.
  body: # Request Body
    on: 0
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