Conversion of my photoshop-based template for Dropmix musical trading card mockups to a web-based image creator.
The world's first and only Dropmix card mockup template.
- To do list (loosely in order):
- *Allow uploading card art and moving/resizing/rotating.
* Rotation sliders functional but buggy.
- Shifting rotated images moves them with respect to the rotation, instead of moving straight with respect to the card.
- Resetting or centering a rotated and scaled or flipped image causes skewing - Draw text as soon as it loads instead of waiting.
- Make the text boxes and other inputs more immediately responsive to changes.
- *Add remaining missing assets if possible.
- *Add mobile support (partially in place).
- Bugs:
- Text doesn't load right away (set to manually draw after 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 seconds and if still not loaded by then, draws when edits are made or card preview is clicked.
- Text may break on iOS after switching away from tab and returning. (font/cache-related?)
Kerning is wrong but is correct after soft-refreshing (maybe fonts loaded incorrectly? potentially switch to typekit font loader instead of current "font observer")
- FIXED - Fonts load correctly and don't draw until loaded.Text draws at the wrong size and location if browser zoom is not regular/100%.
- FIXED - Text draws at the same size regardless of browser zoom.Manipulating card art is untested on mobile.
- FIXED - Manipulating card art on mobile is functional. Mouse events were given touch event equivalents.- Probably more.