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somoto sysadmin docker test

dmauas edited this page Mar 23, 2015 · 1 revision

Welcome to Somoto’s SysAdmin Test

The purpose of this test is to evaluate you capabilities to handle everyday needs of the dev team. This test only assumes that you are fluent with linux (distro is not important). Please feel free to use any resources you can find on the internet. You are expected to do so :)

Expected time to complete the test: 2hrs

Ready to start?

The Assignment:

  • Prepare a docker container with django application that is being served through nginx socket:


django is the most common Python web framework. It implements a web server within itself, out of the box. But, in order to gain more control on our and add another middleware logic, we want nginx to serve our django applications.

docker is a container system, and we use it to wrap linux systems with the application and the configuration, and this


  • Pull the docker image somoto/centos6
  • Install and setup nginx with python and django
  • The final output of the main entry point of the django application should be testable via browser on your main machine

Done already?

Did you finish fast? Nice job! Then here is a bonus task: Install and connect a DB to the django app – any/all of the following choices:

  • MySQL
  • Mongo
  • Couchbase