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CLI Version: command reference

Daniel A. Mayer edited this page Jan 18, 2014 · 1 revision

The available commands are grouped by main commands some of which support specific sub-commands. The interactive readline interface supports tab completion.

Main Commands:

  app         - app related tools.
  install     - Installs various utilities on iDevices.
  cert        - Installs certificates into simulator key store.
  screenshot  - Util to detect if an app stores screenshots upon backgrounding.

The individual commands are described below.

Application-related Functions

The app command provides various functions related to installed apps.


idb > app
app <option> where <option> is one of:

Non App Specific
list         - Lists all installed apps.
select       - Selects an app for other operations.

App Specific
archive      - Download application bundle as .tar.gz.
bundleid     - Print bundle id.
decrypt      - Decrypts and downloads application binary.
download     - Downloads application binary.
get_plists   - List, view, and download any .plist files.
get_sqlite   - List, view, and download any .sqlite files.
get_cachedb  - List and download any Cache.db files.
launch       - Start the application.
info_plist   - View or download Info.plist.
name         - Print app name
url_handlers - Lists URL handleres registered by app.

app list

Lists all installed apps including identifiers and binary names.


idb > app list
[*] Retrieving list of applications...
E3AD855E-90C9-428C-AC31-9FC521165B2F (TV
FCD785FC-B7F0-49D8-8A62-6A24EAF19B6C (

app select

Selects an app to be used with the remaining app commands. This is also automatically triggered when a command requires an app to be selected. Once an app is selected, its id is displayed as part of the idb prompt. The selected app can be changed by running app select again.


idb > app select
[*] Retrieving list of applications...
Select which application to use:
1. E3AD855E-90C9-428C-AC31-9FC521165B2F (TV
2. FCD785FC-B7F0-49D8-8A62-6A24EAF19B6C (
[*] Using application E3AD855E-90C9-428C-AC31-9FC521165B2F.
[*] Info.plist found at /private/var/mobile/Applications/E3AD855E-90C9-428C-AC31-9FC521165B2F//TV
[*] Parsing plist file..
idb [E3AD855E-90C9-428C-AC31-9FC521165B2F] > app select

app download

Download the application binary to a tmp folder.


This example assumes that an app has been selected already. If not, it will prompt the user to select an app.

db [E3AD855E-90C9-428C-AC31-9FC521165B2F] > app download
[*] Locating application binary...
[*] Downloading binary /private/var/mobile/Applications/E3AD855E-90C9-428C-AC31-9FC521165B2F//TV Guide
[*] Binary downloaded to tmp/E3AD855E-90C9-428C-AC31-9FC521165B2F/TV

app decrypt (iDevice only)

Attempt to decrypt and then download an application binary.

Example #1 (App is Encrypted):

idb [E3AD855E-90C9-428C-AC31-9FC521165B2F] > app decrypt
[*] Checking if dumpdecrypted is installed...
[*] dumpdecrypted found.
[*] Locating application binary...
[*] Running '/private/var/mobile/Applications/E3AD855E-90C9-428C-AC31-9FC521165B2F//TV Guide'
[*] Checking if decrypted file /var/root/TV Guide.decrypted was created...
[*] Decrypted file found. Downloading...
[*] Decrypted binary downloaded to tmp/E3AD855E-90C9-428C-AC31-9FC521165B2F/TV

Example #2 (App is not Encrypted):

idb [8357A903-B960-44DD-8FBF-CCE26F1E19D1] > app decrypt
[*] Checking if dumpdecrypted is installed...
[*] dumpdecrypted found.
[*] Locating application binary...
[*] Running /private/var/mobile/Applications/8357A903-B960-44DD-8FBF-CCE26F1E19D1//
[*] Checking if decrypted file /var/root/FakeApp was created...
[*] Decryption failed. File may not be encrypted. Try 'app download' instead.

app get_plists

Finds all .plist files in the app directory and lists them. The user can then choose to either view it on screen or open it in an external editor associated with .plist. This is helpful to check for insecure storage mechanism via NSUserDefaults.


idb [E3AD855E-90C9-428C-AC31-9FC521165B2F] > app get_plists
[*] Looking for plist files...
Select plist file to view::
1. /iTunesMetadata.plist
2. /TV
3. /TV
4. /Library/Preferences/
5. /Library/Preferences/com.roundbox.TVGuide.plist
6. /TV
7. /TV
8. /TV
9. /TV
10. /Library/Caches/
11. Quit
1. Display
2. Open in external editor
?  1
[*] Listing  /TV
[*] Parsing plist file..
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
Select plist file to view::

app get_sqlite

Finds all .sqlite files in the app directory and lists them. The user can then choose to either download the file, open it in the sqlite command line tool, or open it in an external editor associated with .sqlite. This is helpful to check for insecure storage.

db [E3AD855E-90C9-428C-AC31-9FC521165B2F] > app get_sqlite
[*] Looking for sqlite files...
Select sqlite file::
1. /Library/Caches/com.roundbox.TVGuide/TVGNonPersistent.sqlite
2. /Library/Caches/com.roundbox.TVGuide/TVGPurgeable.sqlite
3. Quit
What would you like to do?:
1. Download
2. Open in sqlite command line tool
3. Open in external editor

app get_cachedb

Finds all Cache.db files in the app directory and lists them. The user can then choose to either download the file or open it in the sqlite command line tool. This is helpful to check whether caching for NSURLCache issues which store requests and server responses. The Cache.db is a sqlite file and can be opened using any sqlite editor.


idb [E3AD855E-90C9-428C-AC31-9FC521165B2F] > app get_cachedb
[*] Looking for Cache.db files...
Select Cache.db file::
1. /Library/Caches/com.roundbox.TVGuide/Cache.db
2. Quit
What would you like to do?:
1. Download
2. Open in sqlite command line tool
?  1

app launch

Launches the application. For running this on the iDevice the open command ( needs to be installed. When apt-get is available on te device, idb will do that automatically.


idb [E3AD855E-90C9-428C-AC31-9FC521165B2F] > app launch
[*] Launching app...

app url_handlers

Parses the Info.plist file and lists all the registered URL handlers / schemes.


idb [E3AD855E-90C9-428C-AC31-9FC521165B2F] > app url_handlers
[*] Registered URL schemas based on Info.plist:

app archive

Creates a .tar.gz of the entire application folder and downloads it.


idb [E3AD855E-90C9-428C-AC31-9FC521165B2F] > app archive
[*] Creating tar.gz of /private/var/mobile/Applications/E3AD855E-90C9-428C-AC31-9FC521165B2F. This may take a while...
[*] Downloading app archive...
[*] App archive downloaded to tmp/E3AD855E-90C9-428C-AC31-9FC521165B2F/app_archive.tar.gz.

app bundleid

Prints the bundle identifier of the currently selected app.


idb [973B4F94-80BD-40CE-90F5-A2864C023D5E] > app bundleid
Bundle identifier for 973B4F94-80BD-40CE-90F5-A2864C023D5E:

app name

Prints the name of the currently selected app.


idb [973B4F94-80BD-40CE-90F5-A2864C023D5E] > app name
Bianry name for 973B4F94-80BD-40CE-90F5-A2864C023D5E:

app info_plist

Downloads, outputs, or opens the Info.plist file of the current app.

idb [631B463A-526C-442E-A639-C6095906DFB0] > app info_plist
[*] Info.plist found at /Users/daniel/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.0/Applications/631B463A-526C-442E-A639-C6095906DFB0//
What would you like to do?:
1. Download Info.plist
2. Display Info.plist
3. Open Info.plist in external editor (if associated)


idb [973B4F94-80BD-40CE-90F5-A2864C023D5E] > app name
Bianry name for 973B4F94-80BD-40CE-90F5-A2864C023D5E:

Screenshot Utility

The screenshot utility simplifies the testing of the iOS screenshot vulnerability (the fact that iOS takes a screenshot of the current screen content whenever an app is backgrounded). Simply run screenshot, select the app under investigation and follow the instructions.


idb > screenshot
[*] Retrieving list of applications...
Select which application to use:
1. E3AD855E-90C9-428C-AC31-9FC521165B2F (TV
[*] Using application E3AD855E-90C9-428C-AC31-9FC521165B2F.
[*] Info.plist found at /private/var/mobile/Applications/E3AD855E-90C9-428C-AC31-9FC521165B2F//TV
[*] Parsing plist file..
Launch the app on the device. [press enter to continue]

Now place the app into the background. [press enter to continue]

New screen shot found:
/private/var/mobile/Applications/E3AD855E-90C9-428C-AC31-9FC521165B2F/Library/Caches/Snapshots/com.roundbox.TVGuide/[email protected]
Do you want to download and view it? (y/n)

Install Certificate Into Simulator Trust Store

Disclaimer: This is inspired by Mike Tracy's ios_sim_ts_insert.rb

These functions are useful to install SSL / TLS certificates into the trust store of the iOS simulator.

Note: Since iOS 6.1 there seems to be a change in the simulator that prevents the installation of CA certificates using this method. However, one can create wild-card certificates in Burp (e.g., * which work fine. Still working on getting CA certs to work again.

cert install cert_file

Installs the X.509 certificate cert_file into the simulator trust store.


idb > cert install /Users/daniel/test.cert
[*] Reading and converting certificate...
[*] Inserting certificate into trust store...
[*] Operation complete

cert uninstall cert_file

Removes the X.509 certificate cert_file from the simulator trust store.


idb > cert uninstall /Users/daniel/test.cert
[*] Reading and converting certificate...
[*] Removing exising entry from trust store...
[*] Operation complete

cert list

Lists the subjects of all certificates installed into the trust store.


idb > cert list
0  - Subject: /C=PortSwigger/O=PortSwigger/OU=PortSwigger CA/CN=*
     Details: #<OpenSSL::X509::Certificate subject=/C=PortSwigger/O=PortSwigger/OU=PortSwigger CA/CN=*, issuer=/C=PortSwigger/ST=PortSwigger/L=PortSwigger/O=PortSwigger/OU=PortSwigger CA/CN=PortSwigger CA, serial=928128029, not_before=2013-04-23 14:35:54 UTC, not_after=2032-09-19 21:04:27 UTC>

cert reinstall cert_file

Removes and re-installs the X.509 certificate cert_file.


idb > cert reinstall /Users/daniel/test.cert
[*] Reading and converting certificate...
[*] Removing exising entry from trust store...
[*] Operation complete
[*] Reading and converting certificate...
[*] Inserting certificate into trust store...
[*] Operation complete

Install Utilities on iDevice

install can be used to copy and install various utilities onto an iDevice.

install killswitch

Installs iSEC Partners iOS SSL Killswitch which disables certain kinds of certficate pinning and then allows interception of SSL traffic. If one wants to intercept the Apple store or any other kind of system applications that run their own daemon the device needs to be restarted for them to pick up that change. The tool will allow you to optionally do that after installation. For more information see:


idb > install killswitch
[*] Uploading Debian package...
[*] Installing Debian package...
[*] Restarting SpringBoard...
[*] iOS SSL Killswitch installed successfully.
[**] NOTE: If you need to intercept system applications you should reboot the device.
Reboot now? (y/n)

install dumpdecrypted

Installs Stefan Esser's dumpdecrypted dynamic library which, once injected into an app at run time, decrypts iOS binaries and writes them to disk. For more information see:


idb > install dumpdecrypted
[*] Uploading dumpdecrypted library...
[*] 'dumpdecrypted' installed successfully.

install open

Installs Konrad Kramer's open ( which can be used to launch apps on the command line (via SSH). The installation requires apt-get to be installed via cydia.


idb > install open
[*] Checking if apt-get is installed...
[*] apt-get found.
[*] Installing open...