faich Fiadh fiú fogh feum!
This is no finished product!
I had some time at hand and dabbled a bit with an asyncio server in Python and authorization with JSON Web Tokens. That's all.
And yes, the client uses the store pattern and all components are OnPush.
Python cryptography library needs to be compiled. Therefore install python3.5-dev and python3-cryptography in the global environment, to pull additional dependencies. Also needed is libssl-dev.
helloLDAP is best installed and run inside a virtual environment, containing python 3.5+.
Ensure, pip and sister tools are up-to-date:
pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools virtualenv
Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Setup helloLDAP:
pip install -e .
Then enter folder client and install angular cli etc:
cd client/helloldap
npm install -g angular-cli
npm install
Open doc/_build/html/index.html
in your web browser.
Optionally, create or update the docs:
cd doc
make html
Start the server with:
serve -vv
The script has some help integrated:
serve --help
Then go to the client and start the development server:
cd client/helloldap
ng serve
Navigate your browser to http://localhost:4200.