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Releases: dmonsch/PCM-Headless


19 Jan 17:38
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Fixed a small bug in the previous 0.6.0 version.


19 Jan 16:07
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Fixed a bug where the models of the transitive closure could not be saved.

The problem was that in some cases there is no resource for referenced models.
We solved this by saving the models n times (n = number of models in the transitive closure) until all models have a belonging resource. This is not the best way to do this. Better would be to calculate a dependency graph and save in an order that all referenced models are saved in advance. We choose to go the simpler way and introducing a bit of overhead for saving the models up to n times.


12 Dec 08:48
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Due to a weird behaviour of the Unirest library we switched to the usage of Okhttp. Unirest spawns threads every time we change the timeouts for connecting and reading. This results in an immense count of threads which causes the JVM to crash after a certain period of time.


05 Dec 10:19
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Extended configuration possibilities.


22 Nov 14:02
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Improved the API client. Transitive closure calculation is not based on the resource URIs anymore.
Now we check the equality of models and create copies so the original models are not modified.


19 Nov 14:51
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Fixed bugs in the simulation client and included some necessary libraries in the slim API jar.


07 Nov 17:28
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0.1.0-early Pre-release

Contains the API jar which can be used to access the REST interface.
Also contains the files of the Docker image (