VMWare Fusion is not very friendly sometimes.
This wraps vmrun slightly for starting and stopping headless vm's from the command line using friendly names and not full paths
/Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Library/vmrun start $HOME/Documents/Virtual\ Machines.localized/$vmname.vmwarevm/$vmname.vmx nogui
vm start $vmname
- start vms
- sustpend vms
- list running vms
- Tim Noise [email protected]
- VMWare Fusion, tested approx 1 time using 6.x
- Clone repository
- Add vm script to $PATH however you like it or just ./ it
start a headless vm:
vm start $vmname
suspend a headless vm:
vm stop $vmname
list running vms:
vm list
Q: Cant I already do all this stuff and more with vmrun ? A: Yes, but you have to do more typing
Q: Can I start headless VM's from the Fusion GUI? A: Not that I could find easily.
Q: This Doesn't Do X and could be better if Y A: Good idea! fork it.
Q: Did you even test this? A: Not really.