This repo contains collection of projects, hands-on demos, and best practices built by the DigitalOcean community.
├── # Main repository documentation
├── # Contribution guidelines
├── <project-name>/ # Individual project folder
│ ├── # Project-specific documentation
│ ├── src/ # Source code for the project
│ ├── infra/ # Infrastructure as code (Terraform, Kubernetes, etc.)
│ ├── docs/ # Additional documentation
│ ├── assets/ # Images, diagrams, or media
│ ├── LICENSE # License file for the project
├── .gitignore # Git ignore file (for untracked files)
├── docs/ # General documentation for the repository (if applicable)
└── LICENSE # Repository-wide license file
Checkout contributing guidelines here
If you have any questions or suggestions, please open an issue or reach out via our DigitalOcean Community channels.
This repository is licensed under the MIT License. A copy of it can be found at ./License.