slugifies every string, even when it contains unicode!
Make strings url-safe.
- respecting RFC 3986
- Comprehensive tests
- No dependencies (except the unicode table)
- Not in coffee-script (except the tests lol)
- Coerces foreign symbols to their english equivalent
- Works in browser (window.slug) and AMD/CommonJS-flavoured module loaders (except the unicode symbols unless you use browserify but who wants to download a ~2mb js file, right?)
npm install slug
bower install slug
var slug = require('slug')
var print = console.log.bind(console, '>')
print(slug('i ♥ unicode'))
// > i-love-unicode
print(slug('unicode ♥ is ☢')) // yes!
// > unicode-love-is-radioactive
print(slug('i ♥ unicode', '_')) // If you prefer something else then `-` as seperator
// > i_love_unicode
slug.charmap['♥'] = 'freaking love' // change default charmap or use option {charmap:{…}} as 2. argument
print(slug('I ♥ UNICODE'))
// > I-freaking-love-UNICODE
print(slug('☏-Number', {lower: true})) // If you prefer lower case
// > telephone-number
print(slug('i <3 unicode'))
// > i-love-unicode
// options is either object or replacement (sets options.replacement)
slug('string', [{options} || 'replacement']);
slug.defaults.mode ='pretty';
slug.defaults.modes['rfc3986'] = {
replacement: '-', // replace spaces with replacement
symbols: true, // replace unicode symbols or not
remove: null, // (optional) regex to remove characters
lower: true, // result in lower case
charmap: slug.charmap, // replace special characters
multicharmap: slug.multicharmap // replace multi-characters
slug.defaults.modes['pretty'] = {
replacement: '-',
symbols: true,
remove: /[.]/g,
lower: false,
charmap: slug.charmap,
multicharmap: slug.multicharmap
When using browserify you might want to remove the symbols table from your bundle by using --ignore
similar to this:
# generates a standalone slug browser bundle:
browserify slug.js --ignore unicode/category/So -s slug > slug-browser.js