- Apache Airflow
- Apache Zookeeper
- Apache Kafka
- Apache Hadoop HDFS
- Apache Spark (PySpark)
- Apache Hadoop YARN
- Elasticsearch
- Kibana
- MinIO
- Docker
- OS: Centos7
- IDE: PyCharm, VSCode
- Take a compressed data source from a URL
- Process the raw data with PySpark, and use HDFS as file storage, check resources with Apache Hadoop YARN.
- Use data-generator to simulate streaming data, and send the data to Apache Kafka.
- Read the streaming data from Kafka topic using PySpark (Spark Streaming).
- Write the streaming data to Elasticsearch, and visualize it using Kibana.
- Write the streaming data to MinIO (AWS Object Storage).
- Use Apache Airflow to orchestrate the whole data pipeline.
We should have Apache Kafka, Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop installed locally. Elasticsearch, Kibana and MinIO can be used via docker-compose.yaml.
All steps of the data pipeline can be seen via Airflow DAG. They are all explained here as well.
All scripts were written according to my local file/folder locations. But all mentioned scripts can be found in this repo.
To make Apache Airflow, Docker, Apache Hadoop, Apache Kafka and Apache Zookeeper available, we should run the following commands (This step may differ on how we installed these locally):
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl start airflow
sudo systemctl start airflow-scheduler
sudo systemctl start zookeeper
sudo systemctl start kafka
cd /<location_of_docker_compose.yaml>/ && docker-compose up -d
We should first download the data via the command:
wget -O /<your_local_directory>/sensors.zip https://github.com/dogukannulu/datasets/raw/master/sensors_instrumented_in_an_office_building_dataset.zip
This zip file contains a folder named KETI
. Each folder inside this main folder represents
a room number. Each room contains five csv
files, and each represents a property belonging to
these rooms. These properties are:
- CO2
- Humidity
- Light
- Temperature
- PIR (Passive Infrared Sensor Data)
Each csv also includes timestamp column.
We should then unzip this data via the following command:
unzip /<location_of_zip_file>/sensors_instrumented_in_an_office_building_dataset.zip -d /<desired_location_of_unzipped_folder/
Then, we have to remove README.txt since algorithm of the Spark script requires only folders under KETI
, not files:
rm /<location_of_KETI>/KETI/README.txt
folder is now installed to our local successfully.
Since PySpark gets the data from HDFS, we should put the local folder to HDFS
as well using the following command:
hdfs dfs -put /<location_of_KETI>/KETI/ /<desired_location_to_put_KETI>/
We can browse for the HDFS location we put the data in via localhost:9000
NOTE: The Spark and Airflow scripts are run inside a virtualenv. The purpose of doing this is not having a library-related issue while running these. The related libraries can be installed globally as well.
Both read_and_write_pandas.py
and read_and_write_spark.py
can be used to modify the initial
data. They both do the same job.
All the methods and operations are described with comments and docstrings in both scripts.
We can check localhost:8088
to see the resource usage (YARN) of the running jobs while Spark script is running.
Written data:
NOTE: With this step, we have our data ready. You can see it as sensors.csv
in this repo.
The script kafka_admin_client.py
under the folder kafka_admin_client
can be used to
create a Kafka topic or prints the already_exists
message if there is already a Kafka topic
with that name.
We can check if topic has been created as follows:
kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list
Instructions on how to install data-generator can be found here
This repo has been forked from erkansirin78. Many thanks to him since this script successfully simulates a streaming data.
We can directly run the data-generator script by running data_generator.sh
. We should use
the location of data-generator.
Streaming data example:
We can access to Elasticsearch UI via localhost:5601
All the methods and operations are described with comments and docstrings in
Sample Elasticsearch data:
We can run this script by running spark_to_elasticsearch.sh
. This script also runs the
Spark virtualenv.
Logs of the script:
We can access to MinIO UI via localhost:9001
All the methods and operations are described with comments and docstrings in
We can run this script by running spark_to_minio.sh
. This script also runs the
Spark virtualenv.
NOTE: We can also check the running Spark jobs via localhost:4040
We can trigger the Airflow DAG on localhost:1502
. Triggering the DAG will do all the above
explained data pipeline with one click.
Airflow DAG:
Running streaming applications on Airflow may create some issues. In that case, we can run bash scripts instead.
We can check the amount of streaming data (and the change of the amount) in Elasticsearch by running the following command:
GET /_cat/indices?v
We can create a new dashboard using the data in office_input index. Here are some sample graphs:
Which contains:
- Percentage of Movement Pie Chart
- Average CO2 per room Line Chart
- Average pir per Room Absolute Value Graph
- Average Light per Movement Status Gauge
- Average pir per Room Bar Chart
- Average Temperature per Movement Bar Chart
- Average Humidity per Hour Area Chart
- Median of CO2 per Movement Status Bar Chart