This is all a work in progress, part of my efforts to improve my Python skills.
This code is focused on practical uses of Twinleaf magnetometers, particularly the VMR triax and the PPM scalar. Sync4 devices are also mentioned here but I think twinleaf has discontinued them due to parts availability issues.
rpcwalk - bash script to read out values from SYNC4/VMR RPCWALK.txt - output from rpcwalk
Bash command to extract a list of all RPC commands from a device: NRPC=0x`tio-rpc -r /dev/ttyACM0 rpc.list | head -1 | awk '{ print $1 }'` && for ((i=0;i<$NRPC;i++)) do echo -e "\nRPC $i " && tio-rpc -r /dev/ttyACM0 rpc.listinfo u16:$i | xxd -r -p ; done > ../SYNC4-RPC.txt
After removing problematic commands like reboot, we can create an rpcwalk script to read out all the available configuration values.
initializeVMR - bash script to get a VMR back to a known state - read magnetic data created by Twinleaf tio-record/tio-logparse - analysis plots for magnetic data - a start at a python-based rpcwalk - my first try with matplotlib, works but very slow. - realtime PyQtGraph GUI plot of time series and spectrum for VMR - realtime PyQtGraph GUI plot of time series and spectrum for PPM