Add Clientside, if you dont have:
import * as alt from 'alt-client'
const pingEvery = 5000;
function init() {
alt.setInterval(handlePing, pingEvery);
* Pings the server every 5 minutes.
function handlePing() {
If you want add clientside, with alt.setInterval
const food = alt.getLocalMeta('food');
const water = alt.getLocalMeta('water')
if (typeof food === 'number' && food <= 10 || typeof water === 'number' && water <= 10) {
native.disableControlAction(0, 21, true); //Disable Sprint
You must have these plugins installed to use this plugin. //because of the commands
- /setfood id amount
- /setwater id amount
- /setneeds id amount