GUI Scale Matters!
There are a ton of downloads listed below. Make sure to get the right pack for your Minecraft version and the GUI scale you use! <3
Beta 4 is here! This release primarily adds support for a bunch of client-side mods, as well as add support for new minecraft versions.
Full Changelog
- Added support for Minecraft 1.21 (Format 34), 1.20.5 (Format 32)
- Updated GeoFont to v1.1.2 (fixes a "failed to load resources" error (#17))
- Revised many icons and visuals to be a bit more colorful and use more dropshadows.
- Changed up a few other menu elements to look nicer (new versions only)
- Added a custom tooltip shader using
- The inventory slot hover color is now dracula purple!
- Fixed #12 (again again!)
- Added support for the following mods:
- Advancement Plagues
- Appleskin
- Auth Me
- Bedrockify
- Better Recipe Book
- Capes
- Cherished Worlds
- Cloth Config
- Fabric API (creative tabs)
- Item Highlighter
- Hudder
- Hudium
- In-Game Account Switcher
- Iris Shaders
- Jade
- Mod Menu
- No Chat Reports
- owo-lib
- Shulker Box Tooltip
- Trinkets
- WTHIT (waila)
- YetAnotherConfigLib