Releases: drajer-health/eCRNow
Release 3.1.8
The following changes are included in the Release.
End User Release Notes:
- Improved error handling to handle requests that fail due to EHRs or PHA endpoints not being available. (#821)
- Added author element for ResultOrganizer in LabResults section for DiagnosticReport. (#831)
- Added eICR 3.1 schematron validation option (#848, #849)
- Fix eICR Validation error related to having multiple codes together in a FHIR Condition resource (#864)
- Fix Medications section narrative having “Unknown” when the medication is a reference to another resource. (#865)
- Fix Social History Generation to contain the eICR 3.1 data elements namely genderIdentity, TribalAffiliation and ResidenceInformation (#862)
- Remove address from patient which are not relevant and are in the past (#825)
EHR Vendor Specific Release Notes:
- Added Swagger API documentation for implementers (#442)
- Code cleanup of log statements (#856)
- Add documentation for schema upgrades using the db-scripts (#863)
- Add error handling to deal with Medications with no code (#866)
Tickets Closed with no changes as they are present in the previous baselines or not being addressed: (Relevant to EHR vendors)
Release 3.1.7
The following changes are included in the Release.
End User Release Notes:
- Updated Medication related eICR generation logic to avoid inclusion of inactive or stopped medications. (#826)
- Resolve Data Quality Issue with Lab Results Narrative section to add Test Componnt Name to Result Values related to a Panel. (#806)
- Update eICR Travel history generation to populate observation data stored at the patient level (#791)
- Add Immunization’s Manufacturer Organization name when available to the eICR generation (#710)
- Updated PlanOfTreatment eICR generation logic to eliminate inclusion of Diagnostic Reports with Results (#833)
EHR Vendor Specific Release Notes:
- Add APIs to allow searching eICRs by date ranges within the eCRNow App. (#817)
- Create migration script for eCRNow App tables from 3.1.1 to 3.1.7 (#805)
- Move KID value to configuration for Backend Services Authorization (#639)
- Added complete support for Backed Services Authorization (#841)
- Update reLaunchAPI to schedule off hour timers instead of immediate reporting (#580)
- Remove FHIR API calls from launchPatient API for efficient startup processing (#556)
- Add Job Status for eCRNow based on failures for tracking and resubmitting jobs (#411)
- Update Error Handling on eICR submissions to save data to DB with status on REST API failures (#404)
- Add API to update ERSD files without restarts. (#283)
- Update Documentation to indicate support for Java 17 (#837)
- Update Documentation to indicate support for ERSDv3. (#839)
Tickets Closed with no changes as they are present in the previous baselines or not being addressed: (Relevant to EHR vendors)
- Support for Emergency contact already present in the baseline. (#436)
- Encounter diagnosis narrative created for Encounters in Encounter section (#414)
- Eliminate duplicate observations in problem section for problem observations (#413, #316)
- Unit Test Failure (#840)
- Smoking Status is not part of eICRs, hence it is not included. (#624)
- Translate Healthcare Facility Coding System from FHIR to match the CDA eICR specification already present in the baseline (#594)
Release 3.1.6
The following are the release notes for the release:
Major Updates
Updated the CDA eICR R3.1 generation logic for Production usage.
List of tickets Addressed with specific changes:
#819: Fixed schema errors due to adding Incomplete Section Information for Ignored Resources
#810: Updated Narrative Generation for Problem Section
#809: Return OperationOutcome from receive-notification API
#807: Fix NotificationContextController API parameter ordering
#784: Allow Other Race Category
#758: Update some of the packages to fix SONAR issues.
#711: Fix CDA eICR3.1 generation to eliminate errors.
#624: Add support for Smoking Status in Social History Section
#622: Add support for RouteCode for Immunizations and Medications
#605: Add property for auth token refresh threshold.
#440: Fix CCRR generation logic to account for the profiles required according to the latest CCRR IG.
List of Tickets which cannot be reproduced
#742: Not reproduceable in the current baseline of 3.1.5
#724: Not reproduceable in the current baseline of 3.1.5
#621: Not reproduceable in the current baseline of 3.1.5
List of Tickets fixed in previous baselines
#524: Data requested has been added to the ph_messages in previous baselines.
List of Tickets Not Applicable to eCRNow App
Release 3.1.5
The following are the release notes for the release.
List of tickets Addressed with specific changes:
#798: Added Location Name into Encompassing Encounter when it is present in the FHIR Resource.
#778: Updated author to have the specific App version instead of just 3.X by default.
#772, #745, #734, #723, #645, #608, #586, #531: Updated Lab Result and Plan of Treatment generation for Diagnostic Results and Lab Tests to allow for different combinations of FHIR Resources with and without codes and trigger code insertion logic for matched DiagnosticReports, LabObservation Panels, Organism Substances.
#770: Updated Race and Ethnicity generation to use Text when applicable without codes.
#767: Updated logic to allow for database timezone to be different than JVM timezone and scheduling of timers.
#766, #747, #535: Updated Trigger Code Template insertion logic to account for Encounter Diagnosis and Encounter Reason code elements.
#765, #762, #746: Updated Social History Generation to ensure duplicate travel and occupation observations are not created in the eICR.
#764: Propagated country code from Telecom Contact Point to eICR when present.
#761: Updated Social History generation to remove social history observations not related to travel and occupation.
#760, #744: Updated migration script to fix relaunchPatient/launchPatient unique constraint error.
#757: Fixed eICR Medications Administered section schema error when the timestamp is a single value instead of an interval.
#753:, #369 Fixed launchPatient errors to return OperationOutcome always. Monitoring scripts that vendors may have used previously to look for specific terms would have to be modified to detect errors in launchPatient/relaunchPatient going forward.
#748: Changed Guardian eICR generation logic to account for both FHIR and CDA value sets across different FHIR and US Core versions.
#739: Updated CDA eICR Header generation to use Telecom of type phone instead of fax when both are present and one of them needs to be used in custodian.
#735: Updated Social History generation to incorporate effectiveTime in Travel observations.
#727: Incorporated startup time delay for launchPatient and relaunchPatient config parameter to address spikes during startup related to pending tasks that may be processed immediately.
#722: Author entries have been added to Organizer and Result Observation entries within the Results Section.
#720: Updated LabResults generation capability to handle strings in codes and values.
#708: Added author to the Planned Observation entries.
#707, #361: Updated encompassingEncounter generation to account for different Codesystems while generating encompassingEncounter/code element.
#672: Updated Result generator and Plan of treatment generation to account for different FHIR status values and map them to CDA eICRs.
#632, #502, #410: Updated KAR processing logic to only display ERSD and KAR files that are really present and remove any ERSD’s that are not present anymore. In addition, inactive ERSD/KAR files will continue to work as long as the timers are already setup. These tickets required a schema change to the kar_info table with an additional column that is nullable.
#528: Java 17 is supported on the master as part of the baseline.
#505, #343: Fixed time string formatting in Medication section regardless of FHIR resources namely MedicationAdministration, MedicationStatement, MedicationRequests
#504: Problem Effective Time is now part of the HTML rendering in the problem section.
#492: Added RequestId to logging the identify the scheduled job transaction using log analytics easily.
List of tickets addressed by earlier changes:
#704, #513: Fixed in ERSDv2 or ERSDv3 released previously.
#706: Addressed by other changes in Social History.
#581, #500, #285, #105: Addressed in 3.1.4 or earlier baselines.
List of tickets not addressed and not applicable:
#777, #763, #637, #630, #627, #462,
Unable to Reproduce:
Release 3.1.4
The following are the changes in Release 3.1.4
- Updates to handle ERSDv3
- Custom Query configuration has been changed for ERSDv3. ERSDv2 remains the same. Please refer to the for the latest instructions.
- Support for Java 17 and Java 8 on the same baseline. Java Version can be supplied as part of the command line using the variable JAVA.VERSION. Please refer to the for the specific instructions.
- Support for additional interceptors to be added to HTTP Headers for Multi-tenant use cases.
- Modified launchPatient to not allow duplicate launches.
- Modified relaunchPatient to allow duplicate relaunches.
- Added logic to handle Travel History components in Observations
- Added Estimated Date of Delivery template.
- Added support for multiple Spring profiles to enable better testing across environments.
- Fixed Fatal errors due to Encounter reasonCode.
- Updated log statements to reduce VeraCode findings.
- The following tickets have been addressed as part of the release.
#688, #685, #684, #683, #682, #681, #679, #678, #677, #676, #671, #669, #666, #665, #657, #654, #651, #648, #640, #636, #634,
#623, #616, #615, #612, #592, #579, #574, #564, #562, #551, #550, #546, #545, #507, #506, #418, #326, #292
Release 3.1.3
The release has the following features added
Support for testing CDA eICR per eCR CDA Release 3.1
Support for testing FHIR eICR per eCR FHIR IG Release 2.1
Tickets and defects that have been resolved in this release include:
646, 644, 643, 642, 641, 629, 628, 625. 624, 610, 609, 602, 601, 584, 578, 577, 565, 562, 559, 542, 539, 529, 523, 522, 514,
Release 3.1.2
The following features are part of the release
- Further EHR customization of queries using custom queries
- Support for different configuration parameters for Ambulatory and Inpatient encounters
- Support for EHR customization pacakges
- Added APIs for Heatlhcare Settings
- Added APIs for PhMessages
- Added APIs for Notification Context
- eICR generation fixes for narratives
The following defects have been fixed in the release
#614 #603 #602 #590 #589 #585 #571 #569 #568 #567 #563 #561 #555 #553 #548 #547 #537 #536 #532 #531 #525 #524
#523 #522 #521 #519 #518 #507 #506 #505 #504 #503 #496 #478 #477 #467 #450 #445 #428 #381 #358 #325 #280
Releae 3.1.1
The following are the capabilities present in Release 3.1.1
- Ability to support multiple ERSD versions.
- Ability to support custom queries
- Ability to cache data and not requery EHRs for the same transaction
- Updates to db-scheduler
- Added Fhir Path Expression evaluator capability
- Resolved multiple content issues identified for R4.
- Ability to support off-hour scheduling.
- Ability to throttle requests.
Release 3.0.0
This is the eCRNow release with the following capabilities.
- Framework to process multiple plan definitions.
- Ability to configure plandefinitions by healthcare settings
- Integrated FhirPath Processor library.
- Integrated CQL Processor library.
- Integrated measure processing library.
- Integrated Backend authorization services client capability.
- Updated US PH PlanDefinition conditions and actions per the US PH Value Sets.
- Handle new eCR PlanDefinition.
- Ability to handle MedMorph Knowledge Artifacts.
- Framework to support MedMorph use cases.
Release 2.0.0
This is version 2.0.0 of the eCRNow app which is currently being used in production settings.
The summary of changes since Version 1.0.0 are as follows:
- Tracking requests and responses by eICR Document Id and X-Request Id as needed.
- Adding mechanism to persist Reportability Response in EHR using Document Reference.
- Adding mechanisms to fetch paginated resources from EHRs.
- Added support for Travel History, Pregnancy status
- Added persistent timer mechanisms for scalability and fault tolerance.
- Added support for RESTful API to integrate with work flows.
- Added validation mode to launch API to produce eICR for verifications.
- Split the eCRNow UI into a different project.
- Fixed issues with CloseOutEicr and PeriodicEicr not getting generated properly.
- Resolved Sonarqube identifeid issues for high criticality errors.
- Added unit tests to improve code quality.
- Fixed issues with various CDA errors using FHIR R4 to CDA converter.
- Provided ability to customize Authentication/Authorization methods for workflow integration.
- Provided capabilities to inject security key for encryption using environment variables.
- Added better logging and timestamps across all tables.