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Projects using IPython

ellisonbg edited this page Feb 13, 2013 · 7 revisions

Here is a brief list of other projects using IPython. If you know of more, feel free to add them, and if IPython contributes to a publication, please use our ready-made citation entry.

Scientific computing projects

  • The Nengo project for simulating large-scale neural systems is the first (that we know of) to integrate with the new IPython notebook.
  • The SimpleCV computer vision project ships with an integrated and customized IPython shell.
  • The JModelica system for dynamical systems simulation and modeling uses IPython and matplotlib for its interactive analysis and visualization.
  • The University of Colorado's Mechanical Engineering Department, as part of the Denver Aerosol Sources and Health (DASH) study, uses IPython to parallelize the data analysis.
  • The python binding of the igraph library for complex network research uses IPython for its interactive command-line interface.
  • The Sardana system, part of the ALBA Synchrotron Radiation Facility control system.
  • ASCEND embeds an IPython shell in its PyGTK GUI, using code from the Accerciser project. More details.
  • PyIMSL Studio, by Visual Numerics, is a set of tools that expose the classic IMSL numerical libraries to Python, and ships with IPython, NumPy, SciPy and matplotlib as the core Python environment.
  • The Trilinos project has Python bindings that can be used effectively via IPython, see these slides for details.
  • The PyRAF environment for astronomical image analysis, from the Space Telescope Science Institute, will include in its next official release an IPython-based interface. Currently (May'05) this functionality is only available via SVN PyRAF.
  • The CASA interactive shell from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory is built on top of IPython.
  • The Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations (CIAO) environment from the Chandra X-Ray Observatory.
  • The Ganga system, developed at CERN for Grid job control for the LHCb and ATLAS experiments, uses IPython for its CLIP interface.
  • SAGE, a system for algebraic number theory and arithmetic geometry, uses IPython for its interactive command-line interface.
  • Singular, another computer algebra system, also offers an IPython interface (Singular is also accessible as a SAGE subsystem).
  • The Pymerase project for microarray gene expression databases, exposes an IPython shell in its iPymerase mode.
  • The PyMAD project, where IPython is used to control a neutron spectrometer at the CEA-Grenoble and the Institut Laue Langevin in France. See Projects-using-IPython:-PyMAD for details.
  • The Square Kilometre Array South Africa project uses IPython as an advanced user interface to their radio telescopes, including the currently operational KAT-7 precursor array and the future MeerKAT telescope. A live demonstration of the interface can be seen in Maciej Fijalkowski's talk at PyCon 2011.
  • rdkit, a chemistry toolkit, integrates with IPython to display molecular structures.
  • The PyGrads Python interface to the OpenGrADS tool for access, manipulation, and visualization of earth science data.
  • The ECOOP project is using IPython to develop the software library for its use-case .
  • The AMPL modeling system for large-scale mathematical optimization can integrate with IPython with the help of AMPL magics provided by the IAMPL project.

In teaching

Web frameworks and other systems

  • Scrapy, a web-scraping framework, uses IPython for its interactive shell if it's installed.
  • The pitz distributed task/bug tracking system.
  • Nicolas Rougier implemented a pyglet Python terminal that can optionally use IPython.
  • The Pylons web framework can optionally use IPython if installed.
  • As of Jan'06 (Changeset 1930, to be precise), IPython is the admin shell for the Django web framework.
  • You can use IPython to debug Zope and Plone, as explained in these two pages.
  • The Schevo database can be explored with IPython.
  • The Axon Shell in the BBC's Kamaelia project is an embedded IPython instance.
  • As of revision 53 (Oct 11/05), the new Turbo Gears framework can optionally use IPython as its shell. This post has some details on how it works.
  • Movable Python, by Michael Foord and Bruno Thoorens, is a way of building portable Python environments which uses IPython for its interactive features.
  • The Logix programming system integrates with IPython for interactive work.
  • The iVR toolkit provides IPython as its shell in interactive Virtual Reality applications.
  • The PuDB debugger allows the use of IPython for its interactive shell.
  • The StarCluster EC2 cluster computing tool has a plugin for configuring a parallel IPython cluster and notebook server. StarCluster also uses IPython for its interactive shell ($starcluster shell).
  • DrQueueIPython, a Python port of DrQueue, the open source distributed render queue, which uses IPython for task management and network communication.
  • The JetBrains PyCharm IDE added IPython support in version 2.0.
  • The IdleX extensions to Python's basic IDE support an IPython backend from version 0.8.
  • The Windmill testing framework uses IPython for its shell control.
  • WSPPDE provides a portable Python 2.7.3 development environment for MS Windows™ including IPython 0.13.1 in a one click installer.
  • NotebookCloud is a free and open source web service for creating and managing IPython Notebook servers on Amazon's EC2.
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