by Grails DB (a General Assembly operation)
jSequencer plays sounds on a loop. You can pick what sound plays when, adjust the tempo, and add new sounds.
Like your song? Save it. Load it later and make some changes.
jSequencer is a one page app. Login, save, logout, compose all in one place.
We code at General Assmebly in New York in a class called Web Development Immersive or WDI (January 2014). jSequencer is one of our three capstone projects to push our understanding of of languages and concepts learned in class.
This project is mainly javascript with a ruby-on-rails base.
General Assembly's Web Development Immersive
- ruby 2.1.0 & Rails 4.0.3
- HTML5 Web Audio API
- Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3
- jQuery UI
- Mousetrap
Note: Web Audio API is not supported by IE.
Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) was used to store the wav files we use as sound samples.
jQuery UI is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library. We use it for the slider on our page.
This API facillitates buffering audio sources, playback of those buffers, and a number of other audio manipulations. Much thanks to Boris Smus for his awesome Web Audio tutorial.
We used that tutorial as a starting point mainly to play the sounds themselves. We switched the datastructure and handrolled the timers.
Mousetrap is a simple library for handling keyboard shortcuts in Javascript. Try the konami code ending in ENTER on our page.
Thanks to our classmates, GA as a whole, Andrew and Tea for their advice, and the web audio community for their tutorials and blogposts.
Special thanks to our instructors: PJ, Peter, and Jeff (and our TA Travis).
Grander Abuhoff
Drew Tunney
Steven Weiss
Ilias Tsangaris
Zach Brady