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Gallery app

Initially developed by Canonical Ltd., now gallery app is a UBports core app mantained by the community. Current developers are: Emanuele Sorce [email protected]


Is suggested to use the Clickable tool created by Brian Douglass

i18n: Translating lomiri-gallery-app into your Language

You can easily contribute to the localization of this project (i.e. the translation into your language) by visiting (and signing up with) the Hosted Weblate service:

The localization platform of this project is sponsored by Hosted Weblate via their free hosting plan for Libre and Open Source Projects.


The app's source code is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 license, see source code headers for more details.

However, the following artwork files are licensed under CC-3.0-BY-SA and copyrighted by (C) 2012 Canonical Ltd.:

rc/img/* rc/qml/AlbumViewer/img/* rc/qml/AlbumViewer/AlbumInternals/img/* desktop/.svg desktop/icons/