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@dscbot dscbot released this 28 Feb 08:46



  • Removed build.psd1 as it is no longer required to build the project.
  • Removed ClassAst functions
    • Get-ClassResourceProperty
    • Get-ClassAst
    • Get-ClassResourceAst


  • Added a devcontainer for development.
  • Added private function ConvertTo-WikiSidebarLinkName that converts a
    name to a format suitable for use as a Wiki sidebar link.
  • New tasks:
    • Prepare_Markdown_FileNames_For_GitHub_Publish - This task will prepare
      the markdown file names for publishing to the GitHub Wiki by replacing
      hyphens with spaces and converting Unicode hyphens to standard hyphens.
      It can be controlled by parameter ReplaceHyphen in the task, which
      defaults to $true.
    • Clean_WikiContent_For_GitHub_Publish - This task will remove the top
      level header from any markdown file where the top level header equals the
      filename. The task will convert standard hyphens to spaces and Unicode
      hyphens to standard hyphens before comparison. The task can be controlled
      by parameter RemoveTopLevelHeader in the task, which defaults to $true.
  • Added Helper functions as part of [#163] (#163).
    • Get-ClassPropertyCustomAttribute
    • Get-DscResourceAttributeProperty
    • Get-DscPropertyType
    • Test-ClassPropertyDscAttributeArgument


  • New-GitHubWikiSidebar
    • Replaces ASCII hyphens for the Wiki sidebar.
    • Replaces Unicode hyphens with standard hyphens for the Wiki sidebar.
  • Task Generate_Wiki_Content
    • Now calls Prepare_Markdown_FileNames_For_GitHub_Publish after the
      markdown files and external help file for command help has been generated.
    • Now calls Clean_WikiContent_For_GitHub_Publish as the last step to
      remove the top level header from any markdown file where the top level
      header equals the filename.
  • Task Generate_Markdown_For_Public_Commands
    • Verbose output of the markdown files that was created.
  • Task Generate_Markdown_For_DSC_Resources
    • Outputs a warning message if the old configuration key is used in the
      build configuration but keeps using the old configuration key.
  • New-DscClassResourcePage
    • Remove using Ast to generate documentation. Fixes #116.
    • Order properties correctly fixes #126.


  • Fix Dockerfile to include GitVersion alias for PowerShell Extension profile script.
  • Fix .vscode/settings.json file to exclude unrecognized words.
  • Fix pipeline issues on Windows PowerShell due to the issue PoshCode/ModuleBuilder#136.