Crypt::OpenSSL::PKCS12 - Perl extension to OpenSSL's PKCS12 API.
use Crypt::OpenSSL::PKCS12;
my $pass = "your password";
my $pkcs12 = Crypt::OpenSSL::PKCS12->new_from_file('cert.p12');
print $pkcs12->certificate($pass);
print $pkcs12->private_key($pass);
if ($pkcs12->mac_ok($pass)) {
# Creating a file
$pkcs12->create('test-cert.pem', 'test-key.pem', $pass, 'out.p12', 'friendly name');
# Creating a string
my $pksc12_data = $pkcs12->create_as_string('test-cert.pem', 'test-key.pem', $pass, 'friendly name');
# Reproducing OpenSSL's info
my $info = $pkcs12->info($pass);
# Accessing OpenSSL's info as a hash
my $info_hash = $pkcs12->info_as_hash($pass);
This documentation describes version 1.94 of Crypt::OpenSSL::PKCS12
PKCS12 is a file format for storing cryptography objects as a single file or string. PKCS12 is commonly used to bundle a private key with its X.509 certificate or to bundle all the members of a chain of trust.
This distribution implements a subset of OpenSSL's PKCS12 API.
new( )
legacy_support ( )
Check whether the openssl version installed supports the legacy provider.
) -
)Create a new Crypt::OpenSSL::PKCS12 instance.
certificate( [
] )Get the Base64 representation of the certificate.
ca_certificate( [
] )Get the Base64 representation of the CA certificate chain.
private_key( [
] )Get the Base64 representation of the private key.
as_string( [
] )Get the binary represenation as a string.
mac_ok( [
] )Verifiy the certificates Message Authentication Code
)Change a certificate's password.
)Create a new PKCS12 certificate. $cert & $key may either be strings or filenames.
is optional. -
)Create a new PKCS12 certificate string. $cert & $key may either be strings or filenames.
is optional.Returns a string holding the PKCS12 certicate.
)Returns a string containing the output of information about the pkcs12 file in the same format as produced by the openssl command:
openssl pkcs12 -in certs/test_le_1.1.p12 -info -nodes
)Places the information about the pkcs12 file, the certificates and keys in a hash.
The format of the hash is complex to represent the data in the PKCS12 file:
Essentially, the hash follows the format of the -info output.
1. pkcs7_data and pkcs7_encrypted_data are arrays as more than one of each can exist 2. mac provieds the top level mac parameters for the file 3. safe_contents_bag is an array that contains an array of bags 4. bags is an array of bags 5. a bag is a container for a key or certificate
Each bag has a type and the following are available:
1. key_bag 2. certificate_bag 3. shrouded_keybag 4. secret_bag 5. safe_contents_bag
{ mac { digest "sha1", iteration 2048, length 20, salt_length 20 }, pkcs7_data [ [0] { bags [ [0] { bag_attributes { friendlyName "...", localKeyID "..." (dualvar: 54) }, key "...", key_attributes { "X509v3 Key Usage" 10 }, parameters { iteration 10000, nid_long_name "PBKDF2", nid_short_name "PBKDF2" }, type "shrouded_keybag" } ] }, [1] { safe_contents_bag [ [0] { bags [ [0] { bag_attributes { localKeyID "01" (dualvar: 1) friendlyName "", }, cert "...". issuer "...", subject "...", type "certificate_bag" } ], type "safe_contents_bag" } ] }, [2] { bags [ [0] { bag_attributes { localKeyID "02" (dualvar: 2) }, cert "...", issuer "...", subject "...", type "certificate_bag" } ] }, ], pkcs7_encrypted_data [ [0] { bags [ [0] { bag_attributes { 2.16.840.1.113894.746875.1.1 "<Unsupported tag 6>", friendlyName "..." }, cert "...", issuer "...", subject "...", type "certificate_bag" }, [1] { bag_attributes { friendlyName "...", localKeyID "..." (dualvar: 54) }, cert "...", issuer "...", subject "...", type "certificate_bag" } ], parameters { iteration 10000, nid_long_name "PBKDF2", nid_short_name "PBKDF2" } } ] }
None by default.
On request:
No diagnostics are documented at this time
No special environment or configuration is required.
This distribution has the following dependencies
- An installation of OpenSSL, either version 1.X.X or version 3.X.X
- Perl 5.8
- OpenSSL(1) (HTTP version with
- Crypt::OpenSSL::X509
- Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA
- Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum
- Wikipedia: PKCS12
- RFC:7292: "PKCS #12: Personal Information Exchange Syntax v1.1"
Currently the library has been updated to support both OpenSSL 1.X.X and OpenSSL 3.X.X
Please see the GitHub repository for known issues.
- Dan Sully, [email protected]
Current maintainer
- jonasbn
In alphabetical order, contributors, bug reporters and all
- @mmuehlenhoff
- @sectokia
- @SmartCodeMaker
- Alexandr Ciornii, @chorny
- Christopher Hoskin, @mans0954
- Daisuke Murase, @typester
- Darko Prelec, @dprelec
- David Steinbrunner, @dsteinbrunner
- Gianni Ceccarelli, @dakkar
- Giuseppe Di Terlizzi, @giterlizzi
- H.Merijn Brand, @tux
- Hakim, @osfameron
- J. Nick Koston, @bdraco
- James Rouzier, @jrouzierinverse
- jonasbn. @jonasbn
- Kelson, @kelson42
- Lance Wicks, @lancew
- Leonid Antonenkov
- Masayuki Matsuki, @songmu
- Mikołaj Zalewski
- Shoichi Kaji
- Slaven Rezić
- Timothy Legge, @timlegge
- Todd Rinaldo, @toddr
Copyright 2004-2024 by Dan Sully
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.