The samples for this dataset were collected at 4 different distances from the shore of Lake Michigan on four different months (April-October). The samples were processed to extract the rRNA and rDNA from the microbes present at each station.
Goals of this study:
The main goal of this repo is to perform 16S Amplicon data analysis to identify the active versus dormant taxa present in each of our samples and analyze the trends between different stations, seasons and depths sampled. This can be achieved since both the rRNA and rDNA was isolated from each sample with the idea being that the rRNA is coming from taxa that are actively enaged in protein synthesis.
1.QC 2.Phyloseq preprocessing 3.Phylogenetic tree generation and inspection. 4.Biodiversity analysis. 5.Community analysis.
Organization of repo:
This repo is organized into the following 4 folders: 2.analysis 3.figures