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TEAM 15 - 1976087 김제인 2068002 김나영 1976142 박수진 2076293 이남영
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🗂️ Folder Structure


  • CalendarScreen.js
  • CategoryScreen.js
  • DeleteScreen.js
  • FeedsScreen.js
  • FilterScreen.js
  • MainTab.js
  • RootStack.js
  • SearchScreen.js
  • WriteScreen.js


  • CalendarView.js
  • DateHead.js
  • DeleteButton.js
  • EmptySearchResult.js
  • FeedList.js
  • FeedListItem.js
  • FloatingWriteButton.js
  • JustList.js
  • JustListItem.js
  • SearchHeader.js
  • TransparentCircleButton.js
  • WriteEditor.js
  • WriteHeader.js


  • LogContext.js
  • SearchContext.js


  • logsStorage.js

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🗓️ To-do List App

ezgif com-gif-maker

Enter/edit/remove a to-do item

Set the due date per to-do item

Add a comment to a to-do list

Allow users to set a category for each to-do item (grouping)

  1. Enter a to-do item (ex. study science)
  2. Set the due date per to-do item (ex. Calender view and clock view)
  3. Edit a to-do item (ex. comment : take a notebook -> comment : take a science book)
  4. Remove a to-do item (ex. click the delete icon) with alert message (ex. do you want to delete it?)
  5. Add a comment a to-do list (ex. take a notebook)
  6. Allow users to set a category for each to-do item (ex. category : study)

ezgif com-gif-maker

Show all added to-do items

Check/uncheck a to-do item to mark completion

  1. Show all added to-do items with scroll view
  2. Check/uncheck a to-do item to mark completion by onLongPress

ezgif com-gif-maker

Show only the complete/incomplete to-do items (filtering)

Sort to-do items in terms of the added date, due date within each category

Sort to-do items in terms of the added date, due date across categories

Show/visualize the completion rate per category and per day, week or month

  1. Show only the complete/incomplete to-do items with toggle menu -> Filter menu -> done/undone tasks
  2. Sort to-do items in terms of the added date, due date within each category with toggle menu -> Category -> Radio button (Sort by duedate/added date)
  3. Show/visualize the completion rate per category and per day, week or month * per category : with toggle menu -> Category -> on each Category Header (expressed by percent(%)) * per day : with Home screen -> on Date Header (expressed by percent(%))
  4. Sort to-do items in terms of the added date, due date across categories with Home screen -> Radio button (Sort by duedate/added date)

ezgif com-gif-maker

Select/deselect specific/all to-do items

Delete specific/all to-do items

  1. Select/deselect specific/all to-do items if task is selected, the X mark will be seen by toggling
  2. Delete specific/all to-do items **by pressing the trash can button"

ezgif com-gif-maker

Search for specific to-do items with a keyword

  1. Search for specific to-do items with a keyword (ex. keyword : 'study' or 'hospital')

📚 Libraries used to implement this app

  • react-native-calendars
    • used in : components/CaldendarView.js
    • to implement CalendarView for selecting duedate
  • @react-navigation/native
    • used in : components/DateHead.js
    • to implement screen transition
  • date-fns
    • used in : components/WriteHeader.js
    • to control format of date
  • date-fns/locale
    • used in : components/FeedListItem.js
    • to express characters in English in CalendarView
  • react-native-vector-icons/MaterialIcons
    • used in : components/FloatingWriteButton.js
    • to express WriteButton icon
  • react-native-modal-datetime-picker
    • used in : components/WriteHeader.js
    • to select the duedate in CalendarView (this libarary helps to show Calendar in app)
  • uuid
    • used in : contexts/LogContext.js
    • to align unique id for each todo item
  • react-native-paper
    • used in : screens/CategoryScreen.js
    • to import RadioButton in this app (for Sorting duedate/added date)
  • @react-navigation/bottom-tabs
    • used in : screens/MainTab.js
    • to show bottom-tab for navigating to HomeScreen, CalendarScreen, and SearchScreen
  • @react-navigation/native-stack
    • used in : screens/RootStack.js
    • to implement several navigation (from screen navigation by using toggle menu to screen navigation by using bottom-tab)
  • @react-native-async-storage/async-storage
    • used in : storages/logsStorages.js
    • to save data from app

📑 Reference


[OpenSWPlatform] To-do list application






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