For CocosStudio 3.10, Based on Cocos2d-x 3.x
- DemoMicroCardGame: UI and animation node csd, reading and showing Demo
- DemoMicroCardGame Cocos2d-x 3.17
- CocosStudioDemo Cocos2d-x 3.10 (upgrade FileUlity 3.17) work full with CocosStudio 3.10
- Both projects test only on Xcode 9.4.1 and iOS simulate 8.1
minggo commented on May 4, 2016
Cocos Studio has been EOL'd as of April 2016. There will be no more releases of Cocos Studio.
The last version of Cocos Studio is v3.10 and can be downloaded for Mac and Windows. This version of Cocos Studio requires version v3.10 of Cocos2d-x. This version of Cocos Studio works best in Windows 7 and OS X 10.10.
If you update Cocos2d-x to a version greater than v3.10, you may experience compatibility issues. If you run Cocos Studio on Windows 10 or OS X 10.11, you may experience compatibility issues.