In this project, the authors performed K-means to images, through Theano , in order to get color quantization.
In order to use your GPU, use the following code :
THEANO_FLAGS=floatX=float32,device=gpu,allow_gc=False,nvcc.flags=-D_FORCE_INLINES,nvcc.fastmath=True jupyter notebook
- data/images : contains many images, with different size, used in the Jupyter notebook
- notebook : contains two Jupyter notebook
- Theano_kmeans_colour_quantification_v4-Benchmark : a Jupyter notebook used for some benchmark
- Theano_kmeans_colour_quantification_v5: a Jupyter notebook for a different dataset
- Theano_kmeans_colour_quantification-Huge_File: a Jupyter notebook for processing very large images over 1Go (> 500 Millions pixels)
- report : contains a rapport, written in French, explaining the project
- results : contains some results obtained via Kmeans