This is the working area for the individual Internet-Draft, "The ARK Identifier Scheme".
All editing is focused on just one file: (formerly .xml). See the guidelines for contributions.
Contributions can be made by creating pull requests. The GitHub interface supports creating pull requests using the Edit (✏) button.
Formatted text and HTML versions of the draft can be built using make
$ make
Review the formatted versions in the usual ways, such as,
$ more draft-kunze-ark-35.txt # open with text-based pager
$ open draft-kunze-ark-35.html # open with local web browser
If things get stuck in a weird state, other "make" targets may help to get them unstuck:
$ make diff
$ make lint
See features] for more. Command line usage requires that you have the necessary software installed. See the instructions.
Note: For building locally on my Mac it was necessary to manually install the
Ruby dependencies. Run make
from the root folder once. It will install
a bunch of dependencies and will likely fail when trying to run kramdown-rfc
When that happens, run the following to install the remaining dependencies:
export BUNDLE_PATH="$(pwd)/lib/.gems"
export PATH="${BUNDLE_PATH}/bin:${PATH}"
bundle install --gemfile="$(pwd)/lib/Gemfile"
Running make
then worked as expected.
You can do this manually or automatically. The latter uses GitHub Actions to manage the process, which you initiate by committing and pushing the post-review draft, then pushing a tag to create a release. The tag you use has to include the full name of the draft (without the ".md" or ".xml") and ending in the next revision number, XY. So if the latest public revision number is 31, the next is 32.
$ git commit -m "cold fusion fixed"
$ git push origin main
$ git tag -a draft-kunze-ark-XY
$ git push origin draft-kunze-ark-XY