Deployment is basically the same as development.
Pull the repository via git. Run npm i
and php composer.phar i
to ensure all dependencies are downloaded. Run npm run build
to create a production build of the client. This command will generate the dist
folder, which holds everything important. The server must have the following folders to function properly:
- dist (*)
- src (*)
- templates (*)
- logs
- vendor
(*) If it's not a fresh install, just copy these folders over
Be sure that config.json
has "isProduction": true
Also make sure that the "api" key and the "template" key are accurately set.
Examples: Assuming the Domain Name is ""
If the scholarship application will be served from the root directory:
"api": "",
"baseUrl": "/"
If the scholarship application will be served from a subfolder named 'scholarship':
"api": "",
"baseUrl": "scholarship"
Make sure you have at least
- PHP 7.1
- Node.js 8.11+
Install @vue/cli if you don't already have it
npm i -g @vue/cli
In the project root, install remaining dependencies with
npm i
php composer.phar
The best way to set things up locally is by running
npm run watch
php composer.phar start
In two different CLI windows.
You will still need to set up or configure a database in config.json
Script to set up barebones database can be found at sql/finaid_scholarships_structure