A toolbox for analysis of the data from NanoMax beamline, MAX IV (Sweden)
- numpy
- matplotlib
- scipy
- skimage
- cv2 (https://pypi.org/project/opencv-python/)
- bcdi
- sys
- h5py
- hdf5plugin
- os
Download latest Version from Github:
git clone https://github.com/DzhigaevD/nanomax_tools.git
Update to latest version: Fetch latest version of the 'main' branch from the remote repository 'origin' and reset/overwrite all local changes. New files that were created locally and which do not exist in the latest branch are not deleted.
git fetch origin main & git reset --hard origin/main
Before updating you can back-up local files by branching if necessary:
git add --all git commit -m "COMMIT MESSAGE" git branch NAME_OF_BRANCH
To check which files were modified and which new (untracked files):
git status