I don't use this anymore. I'll leave the repo up in case it's useful for anybody. I just put everything in layers of centralized git repos now. See also GitHub does dotfiles.
These are were my personal configuration files. The directory
structure is designed so that you can symlink everything with a single
command. This is only tested with and only expected to work on Ubuntu.
Here be dragons! This is for me to use. The goal is for me to be able to copy and paste a couple of lines to get up and running with my local configuration. I definitely want all of the potentially destructive actions taken by this script to take place. I'm not responsible if you lose data or break something using my script. If you really want to do all of the things that this script does, proceed at your own peril!
- Install a couple of prerequisites with APT.
- Clone the repository.
- Run the
rake install
task, symlinking all config files and overwriting any existing files.
If you understand the risks and want to press on, copy and paste this (you can skip the first 2 lines if you have the packages from the 2nd line):
# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get install --yes curl
# curl -L http://________ | bash
This method won't overwrite any files and skips some cool magic stuff. This'll just get you the content, and it's up to you to symlink what you like.
git clone https://github.com/justinforce/dotfiles ~/.dotfiles --recursive
Then you can cd
into ~/.dotfiles
and run rake --tasks
to get a list of the
available tasks.
ruby-build doesn't seem to give a shit about working with Ubuntu. Every single time I install it, I run into some new goddamned issue with OpenSSL or GCC or something. Remember when RVM was the thing? And they had pre-built binaries for Ubuntu? Those were the good old days. I digress.
sudo apt install -y libssl1.0-dev
Source: rbenv/ruby-build#1146 (comment)
sudo apt-get install -y gcc-6 g++-6
CC=/usr/bin/gcc-6 rbenv install <<< .ruby-version
Define this function in your shell. (Safer than using an alias which may interfere with rbenv's initialization.)
function rbenv {
CC=/usr/bin/gcc-6 command rbenv "$@"
I use vim-plug to manage plugins. I use Olivier Verdier's zsh-git-prompt to get nice git info in my prompt.
Yeah! That's in there so I can quickly check if the bootstrap experience works end to end on Ubuntu. You can try it. Just do
docker build .
# ...lots of text...
Successfully built e517a0342623
docker run -it e517a0342623
Copyright Justin Force and Licensed under the MIT license.