- Clone this repository
- Enter the cloned repo and run the following commands
$ sh monetdb_install.sh
$ sh createdb.sh
$ brew install monetdb
$ pip3 install numpy
$ sh createdb.sh
You might also need to configure the Python path:
Install Anaconda2 from: https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/install/ onto your 'HOME' folder
Add the following line to (.profile or .bash_profile):
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:'HOME'/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/"
Execute the changes
$ source .profile (or source bash_profile)
$ sudo shutdown -r now
We show how to recover overlapping missing blocks in two climate time series located in recovery/input/original.txt
$ sh connectdb.sh
sql> \<./recov_udf.sql
sql> \q
We show how to decompose a matrix of time series located in decomposition/input/climate.csv
$ sh connectdb.sh
sql> \<./decomp_udf.sql
sql> \q
To add a dataset to the recovery:
- Name your file
and add it torecovery/input/
- Requirements: columns= 4, column separator: empty space, row separator: newline
To add a dataset to the decomposition :
- Name your file
and add it todecomposition/input/
- Requirements: column separator: empty space, row separator: newline
RecovDB is also avilable as a GUI here.
Please cite the following paper when using RecovDB:
title={RecovDB: Accurate and Efficient Missing Blocks Recovery for Large Time Series},
author={Arous, Ines and Khayati, Mourad and Cudr{\'e}-Mauroux, Philippe and Zhang, Ying and Kersten, Martin and Stalinlov, Svetlin},
booktitle={2019 IEEE 35th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE)},