Rack middleware to require add u2f authentication.
Note: This gem needs a tidy up and will be properly released by end of Nov 2017
Note: U2F only works on https connections.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'rack-u2f'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Rack U2F has two components; A Rack app to register U2F devices and Rack Middleware to authenticate against registered U2F devices. When registration is enabled, you can add a u2f device through the u2f_register_path
For U2F to work, persistence of a counter is required, therefore a storage mechanism is needed. Right now, this gem supports Redis, and ActiveRecord. There is a simple API to add more stores as required.
In rails:
in config/application.rb
config.middleware.use Rack::U2f::AuthenticationMiddleware, {
store: Rack::U2f::RegistrationStore::RedisStore.new,
exclude_urls: [/\Au2f/, /\A\/\z/],
enable_registration: ENV['ENABLE_U2F_REGISTRATION'] == "true",
after_sign_in_url: '/', # optional, defaults to '/'
u2f_register_path: '/_u2f_register' #optional, defaults to '/_u2f_register'
The Rack::U2f::RegistrationStore::RedisStore.new
by default uses Redis.new
as the redis connection.
You can pass in your own connection as the single argument to RedisStore.new()
, for example:
store: Rack::U2f::RegistrationStore::RedisStore.new(Redis.new(url: 'redis://'))
Use Rack::U2f::RegistrationStore::ActiveRecordStore.new(ArModel)
. The ArModel
should be an active record model with the following schema;
t.string :key_handle, index: true
t.text :certificate
t.text :public_key
t.integer :counter
If enable_registration
is true then you will be able to visit /_u2f_register
to register a new key.
Registration should not be enabled in production. It is possible to mount the registration server separately as it is a rack app.
When authenticated, the session is used for further authentication. You must be using a secure session store.
The url to be directed to after successful sign in, default: "/"
An array of regular expressions to match on the path to exclude urls from the u2f requirement.
Be careful here; generally prefixes is the safest way %r{\A/myprefix}
. Keep in mind that people can add things to paths that may cause an otherwise excluded url to match.
There is a demo app in the DemoApp folder. Integration tests will require a fake/software u2f key, and is on the TODO list.
Right now this gem is designed for Admin access to certian parts of the site. In the future, a concept of identity will be added so that you can use it for end users.
An example might be sending a header in a response from a rails controller "X-REQUIRE-U2F: true", which the middleware would pick up. Passing "X-U2F-IDENTITY: #{user_id}" would allow the middleware to handle per-user u2f tokens.
This would replace the current path matching in the middleware.
The ruby-u2f gem, which this gem depends on.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/eadz/rack-u2f
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Integration tests using a fake token such as the soft token helper from google