This repository hosts my vimrc and other dot files. Feel free to fork it or make suggestions.
I'll keep updating it as I see new cool things to add.
###Color scheme:
If you do not wish to use it, feel free to comment out the line:
colorscheme solarized
###Important Keyboard remappings
- The map leader is
- Both
are remapped to<Esc>
This allows you to mash those 2 keys ;
is remapped to:
is remapped to;
)- You can save and compile in one step by pressing
- Insert a new line below the current line in normal mode by pressing enter
- Various shortcuts (using the mapleader) for copying to and from the X clipboard
- Remapping
to making navigating splits a lot easier - Other remappings that you can find in the vimrc
###Other useful things
- Tabs are remapped to 4 spaces
- Search is incremental
A lot of the setup/organization comes from