Release 4.4.2 - Bug fixes and SDIO support
Multiple minor bug fixes across many subsystems. Adds SDIO (4-bit high speed) SD card support and moves to untouched SdFat upstream library. Speeds of up to 15MB/s with this mode have been shown, well above 1-bit SPI mode (but it does require a new physical adapter with all 4 DAT0...DAT3 pins). ExFAT support is now enabled as well, allowing for very large card access.
- Replace ESP8266SdFat w/SdFat 2.3.0, SDIO, ExFAT (#2764)
Library updates
New boards
- Add SparkFun IoT Node LoRaWAN (#2745)
Miscellaneous bug fixes
- Change duty cycle of PIO Tone to 50% (#2770)
- PIOProgram: Replace __pioHighGPIO with pio_get_gpio_base() (#2769)
- Fix ADCInput clocks for multiple inputs (#2755)
- Restore Bluetooth TLV on Pico2/RPiWiFi boards (#2753)
- Correct return from NTP.waitSet() (#2736)
- Remove unneeded SDK files from libpico/etc. (#2733)
- Remove SDK C++ new/delete, duplicated objects (#2760)
- A2DPSink: Remove stubs, fix volume and connect callbacks (#2757)