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RTE: Solvers
The rte_lw()
and rte_sw()
routines in the RTE library compute radiative transfer on a user-specified problem. Both routines allow for an upper boundary condition for spectrally-resolved diffuse radiation.
function rte_lw(optical_props, top_at_1, &
sources, sfc_emis, &
fluxes, &
inc_flux, n_gauss_angles, use_2stream, &
lw_Ds, flux_up_Jac, flux_dn_Jac) result(error_msg)
class(ty_optical_props_arry), intent(in ) :: optical_props ! Array of ty_optical_props. This type is abstract
! and needs to be made concrete, either as an array
! (class ty_optical_props_arry) or in some user-defined way
logical, intent(in ) :: top_at_1 ! Is the top of the domain at index 1?
! (if not, ordering is bottom-to-top)
type(ty_source_func_lw), intent(in ) :: sources
real(wp), dimension(:,:), intent(in ) :: sfc_emis ! emissivity at surface [] (nband, ncol)
class(ty_fluxes), intent(inout) :: fluxes ! Array of ty_fluxes. Default computes broadband fluxes at all levels
! if output arrays are defined. Can be extended per user desires.
real(wp), dimension(:,:), &
target, optional, intent(in ) :: inc_flux ! incident flux at domain top [W/m2] (ncol, ngpts)
integer, optional, intent(in ) :: n_gauss_angles ! Number of angles used in Gaussian quadrature
! (no-scattering solution)
logical, optional, intent(in ) :: use_2stream ! When 2-stream parameters (tau/ssa/g) are provided, use 2-stream methods
! Default is to use re-scaled longwave transport
real(wp), dimension(:,:), &
optional, intent(in ) :: lw_Ds ! linear fit to column transmissivity (ncol,ngpt)
real(wp), dimension(:,:), &
target, optional, intent(inout) :: flux_up_Jac ! surface temperature flux Jacobian [W/m2/K] (ncol, ngpts)
real(wp), dimension(:,:), &
target, optional, intent(inout) :: flux_dn_Jac ! surface temperature flux Jacobian [W/m2/K] (ncol, ngpts)
character(len=128) :: error_msg ! If empty, calculation was successful
If optical properties are specified as variables of type ty_optical_props_1scl
(meaning extinction optical depth alone) in the longwave, radiative transfer is computed accounting for only emission and absorption. If optical properties are specified as variables of type ty_optical_props_2str
(optical depth, single-scattering albedo, and asymmetry parameter) the rescaling and refinement method of Tang et al. 2018 is used by default; two-stream and adding methods maybe be chosen by setting optional argument use_2stream
to .TRUE.
The sensitivity of broadband flux (W/m2-K) to changes in surface temperature is available in optional output arguments flux_up_Jac
and flux_up_Jac
(the latter only when ty_optical_props_2str
are provided). Jacobians are not available if use_2stream
is .TRUE.
function rte_sw(atmos, top_at_1, &
mu0, inc_flux, &
sfc_alb_dir, sfc_alb_dif, &
fluxes, inc_flux_dif) result(error_msg)
class(ty_optical_props_arry), intent(in ) :: atmos ! Optical property values
logical, intent(in ) :: top_at_1 ! Is the top of the domain at index 1?
! (if not, ordering is bottom-to-top)
real(wp), dimension(:), intent(in ) :: mu0 ! cosine of solar zenith angle (ncol)
real(wp), dimension(:,:), intent(in ) :: inc_flux, & ! incident flux at top of domain [W/m2] (ncol, ngpt)
sfc_alb_dir, & ! surface albedo for direct and
sfc_alb_dif ! diffuse radiation (nband, ncol)
class(ty_fluxes), intent(inout) :: fluxes ! Class describing output calculations
real(wp), dimension(:,:), optional, &
intent(in ) :: inc_flux_dif ! incident diffuse flux at top of domain [W/m2] (ncol, ngpt)
character(len=128) :: error_msg ! If empty, calculation was successful