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Avro Reading and Writing

Writing Avro

I created a file named "" which uses the avro-python3 library (not the avro library) in python to write avro files. This getting started with python post on apache helped me get going in under 30 minutes (note: it's written for python2 so a bit outdated).

In the "" I ran the following tests.

  1. write to a file with a giving schema, also check incorrect writing.
  2. write to a new file with an updated schema.
  3. write to a single file with both schemas.

Reading Avro

I created a file named "" which also uses the avro-python3 library.

I ran the following tests

  1. read without a schema
  2. read with the right schema
  3. read with an old schema
  4. read a mixed schema file with the new schema
  5. read with an incomplete schema (missing fields)
  6. read with an incompatible schema to see if it fails

Reading from command line

Following the tutorial Reading and Writing Avro Files from the Command Line I'm able to use the command line to read the files with and without a schema. You can download avro-tools-1.8.2.jar

java -jar avro-tools-1.8.2.jar tojson users_v1.avro

Message Schemas

Benefits of Schema Evolution

schema evolution

  • A field with a default value is added.
  • A field that was previously defined with a default value is removed.
  • A field's doc attribute is changed, added or removed.
  • A field's order attribute is changed, added or removed.
  • A field's default value is added, or changed.
  • Field or type aliases are added, or removed.
  • A non-union type may be changed to a union that contains only the original type, or vice-versa.

Other links

With Confluent Kafka

Installing via the Confluent Quick Start Instructions. I went through all the steps to set up the cp-all-in-one container, have it running, and test it.

For python, using the Confluent Python Library.

docker-compose exec broker kafka-topics --create --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic example.users

docker-compose exec broker kafka-topics --create --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic example.numtest

Note: our stage kafka should have a check which looks for what topics are there. The producers can auto generate topics which could get unruly if not maintained.

Note: schema registry kind of sucks.


For exploring kafka and avro






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