Release time : 2022-06-01
- Support multi-node operation, making it convenient for large enterprises to achieve high availability and multi-node deployments.
- The search tag "AssignedByMe" is newly added to "My"-"Personal Contribution", "Product"-"Software Requirement", "Execution"-"Task", "QA"-"Bug", and other lists.
- The performance of Kanban is optimized to ensure that the system can run stably and smoothly in the scenario of large data.
- The parent plan can be adjusted in the product plan, improving the flexibility of plan management.
- Improve the record of history in the product plan -- the related record of stories and bugs are added to facilitate information traceability.
- The features of advanced Excel and customized columns are added to the lists of Project, "Execution"-"Bug", and Software Requirement.
- Fix show expired parent plan when creating a new plan
- Fix multi branch product creation plan, the branch does not display synchronously