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This is the Spatiocyte lattice-based particle simulator package. You can find the installation instructions in INSTALL

Spatiocyte Visualizer keyboard shortcuts
Play forward: Right arrow
Play backward: Left arrow
Step forward: Up arrow or Enter
Step backward: Down arrow or Shift+Enter
Pause/Play: Space
Zoom in: f or Ctrl++ or Ctrl+= or PageUp
Zoom ou: b or Ctrl+- or PageDown
Reset view: Ctrl+0 or Home
Rotate along x-axis clockwise: Ctrl+Up Arrow
Rotate along x-axis counter-clockwise: Ctrl+Down Arrow
Rotate along y-axis clockwise: Ctrl+Right Arrow
Rotate along y-axis counter-clockwise: Ctrl+Left Arrow
Rotate along z-axis clockwise: z
Rotate along z-axis counter-clockwise: Z
Translate up: Shift+Up Arrow
Translate down: Shift+Down Arrow
Translate right: Shift+Right Arrow
Translate left: Shift+Left Arrow
Translate front: F
Translate back: B
Save current frame as a PNG image: s
Start/Stop recording PNG frames: S