What's Changed
- [154] Add back the ability to pass -IgnoreJDKClass with an argument. … by @jamezp in #155
- [35] Allow newer JVM's to be used with the Release argument by @jamezp in #156
- generate goal (org.netbeans.apitest.SigtestGenerate) should have a way to specify other generate options like exclude specified subpackages in sigtest-maven-plugin by @scottmarlow in #159
- Release 2.6 with fix for version parameter support is broken in maven plug for generating signature map files by @scottmarlow in #161
- prepare for development of sigtest-2.7 after having just released 2.6 (note previous commit has a typo in that it referenced 2.5) by @scottmarlow in #162
- Add properties required for the signature tests. These properties can… by @jamezp in #164
- Remove the unused signature test properties. by @jamezp in #165
- Issue166 by @starksm64 in #168
Full Changelog: tck-arquillian-1.0.0-M17...tck-arquillian-11.0.0-RC2